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Carbon Monoxide:
The Story of Tabba
My cat Tabba had been our family pet for several years. During the last year or so of her life, she started getting weaker and weaker. We always assumed it was because she was getting old.

On January 2, 1999, we decided to call the vet. We scheduled an appointment for the following week. Tabba couldn't walk properly, she kept falling down, and her eyes had a glazed look to them. She passed away that day with her family around her.

When my dad told his sister about Tabba's death, she recalled reading an article about carbon monoxide and how it could kill pets. We didn't have a carbon monoxide detector, so we called Public Service and had them come check our furnace immediatly. Sure enough, the carbon monoxide levels in our home were off the charts.

When carbon monoxide is inhaled, it combines with the hemoglobin in the blood of the victim instead of oxygen. The victim's body, therefore, becomes deprived of oxygen. Click here to learn more about carbon monoxide.

We believe that Tabba saved our lives because from her death we decided to check for carbon monoxide in our home. Since we found out about the carbon monoxide in our house, we installed a carbon monoxide detector and fixed our furnace.

If you don't have a carbon monoxide detector, please call your Public Service Company and have your furnace checked. Protect your family and pets.
Tabba- Graphic property of Bunnymom5.  May not be reproduced without written permission from
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