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            The Race for the Rain Forest is a joint effort of and The Nature Conservancy.
            Delphinidae = Dolphins Beginner's Guide To The Web Brawls

            When I first started in the Web Brawls, I was completely clueless. (I may still be clueless, but that's another story. LOL) Here are some 'tips' for getting into the swing of things with the Brawls. This guide is meant as an introduction to people just starting out with the Web Brawls.

            1) Guestbook.
            If you don't already have one, add a Guestbook to your site. Many services offer guestbooks. If the location where your page is located doesn't offer them, go to a search engine, and type in guestbook. There are many free ones on the internet. Lots of people will check out your site, and leave 'a calling card' in your guestbook. This will help you in your Vote Exchanges (see section below). Plus, the Web Brawls Pixies will visit you, and leave some Pixie Dust to brighten everything up. :)

            2) Voting Banner.
            Put a voting banner on your site, so people can check out your site, and then just click on a link to vote for you. Voting banners are available from each of the 6 teams. For the Magical Dolphins, click here for a banner. Download the banner to your PC, and put it up on your site. Make sure you keep up to date with the address for your voting - it may change from week to week.

            3) See other sites & Let people know about yours.
            Part of the Web Brawls Experience is making new friends. Go to these two locations, and add your web site to the list: The Lightforce Wall and The Web Brawls Friendship Corner. Also, check out the other sites competing in the Brawls by 'surfing' around. If you see a site you like, sign the guestbook, and vote for it. There are 6 teams competing in the Brawls (see Teams section below), so there are a lot of sites to look at!

            4) Teams.
            There are six teams participating in the Web Brawls. Three teams are in the Challenge North and three in the Challenge South:

          The Challenge North
          Magical Dolphins Mystical Unicorns The Wolfpack
          The Challenge South
          Brawling Bengals Night Wing Dragons Calico Cats
            You can get to see all the teams by visiting The Web Brawls Team Page.

            5) Competition and Levels.
            At the beginning levels, you compete only within your own team.
            First, you must get enough votes to qualify.
            Then you move into the competition.
            If you win that, you move into the team finals.
            The top site from each team competes in the North and South Challenges.
            And the top site from the Challenge moves into the Summit, which is the Web Brawls final.
            For example, as a Magical Dolphin:
            You qualify in The Shores,
            Compete in The Oceans,
            Move into the Mystical Cavern for the team finals.
            The site that wins the Mystical Cavern moves into the Challenge North,
            And the site that wins the Challenge moves up to the Summit.
            Got it? :)

            6) Vote Exchanges.
            It took me a long time to figure this part out. People vote for one another. You can create a list of people with whom you exchange votes on a daily basis. When you see a site you like, besides voting for it, you can also email the owner of the site, and ask if he/she would like to exchange votes with you. In your email, be sure to include the URL of your site so people can check it out. And if someone sends YOU an email, be sure to see their site before agreeing to a vote exchange - 'blind voting' (voting for a site without ever seeing it) is a no-no. Remember - if you offer to exchange votes with someone everyday, that means you will vote for them everyday. In my opinion, this is a promise that shouldn't be broken. Yes, emergencies come up, but if there isn't a crisis, an offer to exchange votes means you are planning on getting online every day, and supporting that person's web site by casting a vote for it.

            7) Weekly and Daily Reminders.
            When people reply to your vote exchange requests, they will say, "I like weekly reminders" or "I like daily reminders." This means you are expected to send them your web site name, URL and voting URL on a weekly or daily basis.

            8) Vote for yourself.
            Remember, you can vote for your own site too. :)

            9) Cheers.
            Another part of the Web Brawls Experience is showing some Spirit. Go to The Web Brawls Cheers Page and read some cheers that others have written. Then, click on the link to add a cheer, and post your own cheers. You can post up to 5 cheers a day. And your team will love you if you DO post five. :) In fact, they'll give you an award for cheering (see the Awards section below.) If you want to see how your team is doing in the Cheers, go to The Team Cheer Scores. Can't think of a cheer? Check out Trapped In The Net's Cheer Page.

            10) Spirit Page.
            You can also show your Spirit by setting up a Spirit Page on your site. This is where you will put the awards that you win (see Awards section below), and anything else that shows 'Spirit'. The Dolphin Place has a great spirit page. And this is my Spirit Page. There isn't a whole lot on my page (yet!), but it will give you some ideas to start your own page.

            11) Awards.
            If you post cheers for your team, you can get a Cheer Award. (Isn't this fun!) The Magical Dolphins Cheers Awards are located here. You can pick up a Cheer Award for each week that you post some cheers. Along with Cheer Awards, you also get awards for each competition level that you complete. Check out the Magical Dolphins Team Awards Page to see which awards you can get. For example, if you complete the qualifying round (The Shores), you can pick up an award for that, etc.. Be sure to put your awards on your Spirit Page!

            12) Web Brawls Intros.
            Check out the Web Brawls Online Tour. It is a really good introduction to the Web Brawls. Also, take a look at The Web Brawls Pixie Paradise Newsletter.

            OK, that's all I can think of for now. If you have any questions, stop by The Magical Dolphins web page, and see if the information is offered there. If it's not, you can email Merlyn, Echo, Shadow or Pooh, using the email links at the bottom of the team's page.

            Happy Brawling!

            This Beginner's Guide to the Web Brawls written by Delphinidae = Dolphins (April 1999). If you have comments/suggestions for this page, feel free to email me.

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