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Subject: FORM results

Atlas, on:
"What will the XXI century be like? What major changes are waiting us all, in our everyday lives, our moral values, family relationships, psychological attitudes, scientific views, religious beliefs, etc.? We want to form our collective VISION OF THE FUTURE."

Suppose there is an oracle or prophet or time-traveler coming back from the Twenty-First century.
What questions would you ask him?

David's Questions


## (1) Did a small minority of rich people continue to literally hog the world's resources, and if there _was_ a change (with the richest 20% using less than half of what they do in 1998, and the poorest 20% able to use a little more), did it occur without hundreds of millions of people dying?

## (2) In comparison to the calculated resources* in about 1700 (available with the technology of 1988), what fraction was left after the above change? For:* petroleum, ocean fish, fresh water in rivers and constantly recharged aquifers, forests with more than 50% of the trees over 150 years old, iron, aluminium, area of land with types of soils and slopes eminently suitable for agriculture (including pasture), grain at prices people at the upper end of the lowest-income 5% could afford to buy and eat 600g every day.

## (3) What fraction of the increased death-rate in 2050 was due to warfare/state-terrorism and guns, and what fraction caused by malnutrition and starvation? Which countries became wastelands?

## (4) Did the total number of cars decrease by 2050, and if not, did the CO2 produced by the world's transport fleet decrease? Was electric power produced by using a smaller total amount of fossil (carbon) fuels? Did the ocean rise by half a meter or more?

## (5) Finally, is the world sustainable by 2050?

(Futures -URL:)
(name)  David MacClement 
(age)  61
(country)  New Zealand
(Project)  3

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