This page contains all the information you wanted to know about me. It does not however, contain any information about Animals. If you want that sort of information go to the All About Animals Pages.

My full name: Alex Levine
My family consists of: my mother, my dad, my sister and my pet dog
My fav food: KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken)
My fav drink: Sprite
My age is:13 years this year (1998).
My fav sport:basketball
My fav book:The secret diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 3/4
My fav movie:The Muppets Hit Manhatten
My fav music:N/A
Where I live:Melbourne Australia.
The place I'd like to visit most:Paris and Disneyland
My lucky number:15
The colour I like:Blue
My lucky charm:N/A
My fav computer game:Muppet CD-ROM
My fav TV show:The Practice

You have just read my profile. If you would want to find out a bit more, please ask me by clickinghere.

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