Rapala domitia domitia (Yellow Flash)
Rapala domitia domitia This rapid-flying Rapala is the largest in the genus in Malaysia and Singapore.  Above, the wings are brown with paler patches in the forewing cell and hindwing costa.  The underside is a pale yellow, marked with black bars on the forewings.  The hindwing carries a threadlike white-tipped tail with the usual Rapala lobe between veins 1a and 1b. Rapala domitia domitia
The species is not rare in Singapore, and is encountered in the nature reserves.  On good days, up to 5 individuals can be spotted.  The butterfly flies rapidly, and has a habit of settling on the undersides of leaves as it zips from perch to perch.
Its unique yellow colour which is different from all the various typical Rapala species found in Singapore has earned it the unofficial common name of Yellow Flash amongst the butterfly enthusiasts.
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