Lookwise,it is a Divine Architectural Beauty and Functionwise, the
Most Efficient and Modern One, comparing with the best in the world

"This institute was born in the lap of divinity itself," Dr. A. N. Safaya, told a gathering of physicians last February 98 at a Cardiac Specialty Symposium convened by the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences. "It is therefore permeated with the fervour and fragrance of spirituality. The practice of medicine in this hospital has a spiritual dimension, a breakthrough in the conceptual aspect of medicine. Indeed. Sri Sathya Sai Baba has often stressed the need for physicians to combine the spiritual aspect with the best of Ayurvedic and Allopathic practices. "The doctor should think not only of the body," Sri Sathya Sai Baba says, "but the mind and conscience also." He boldly champions the full integration of Ayurveda-India's ancient healing science based on subtle remedies-in his new hospital at a critical time when most of Indian medical profession has totally abandoned Ayurveda in favour of Western Allopathic medicine based more on symptomatic diagnosis, intensive surgery and drug cures. Sri Sathya Sai Baba states: "It is necessary to understand the difference between Ayurveda and Allopathy. Though it is not bound by time and place, Ayurveda is bound by mind, intellect and Self. Hence, mind, body and Self play a very important role in Ayurveda. While Allopathy is an external science, Ayurveda relates to the inner feelings. Doctors have to integrate the essence of the two." More light-heartedly,Sri Sathya Sai Bab jokes that heart disease is caused by "Hurry, worry and curry."

Our Swami feels that we need to better observe the laws and soul of Nature to ensure both a healthier body and planet.

"The air we breathe is not pure. The water we drink is not pure. The food we eat is not pure. The sound we hear is not pure. All the five elements of nature are polluted. This pollution has caused diseases never heard of before. Any violation of the law of Nature leads to sickness. There is a teacher for nature. That teacher is God. We should know the teacher of nature." -BABA

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