Libertarian Self Reliance

in the face of Y2K

"...when they have no pretense of authority left, no remnant of law, no trace of morality, no hope, no food and no way to obtain it, when they collapse and the road is clear--then we'll come back to rebuild the world." ---John Galt

For those who don't believe the fat lady has sung yet, and wish to track Y2K "glitches" or incidents, here are some "glitch tracking" sites. GLITCH TRACKING SITES

Here are some other sites with commentary on the rollover and what to expect now:


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Libertarian Self Reliance in the Face of Y2K is an online community dedicated to preparing for Y2K and beyond on an individual and community basis, without government intervention. We believe that intelligent people acting non-coercivly, in their own self-interest can achieve goals far beyond the expectations of those who choose government force as a tool for solving social, political, and technical problems.

The year 2000, presents some apparently difficult problems that when examined closely, turn out to be life threatening and freedom destroying, not only of our social, political and scientific institutions, but also of our way of life, and of our very lives themselves.

We have observed in our experience and in our studies of history that humans when threatened with apparently insurmountable problems tend to demand government force as the only possible solution to those problems.

Thus we have here placed access to various pieces of information that when properly understood will enable those of you who are our guests to discover freedom beyond your wildest imagination and the tools to implement that freedom, not only in your lives today, but onward into the year 2000 and beyond.

Home of the Libertarian Self Reliance-Y2K Web RingLSRY2K Web Ring

Subscribe to the Self Reliance Email Discussion List!

This is a discussion about Libertarianism, self reliance and the connections between them. It is specifically related to y2k and how best to gain a civilization advance as a result of this computer error, while at the same time being prepared for any possible disaster that may result.

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LSRY2K STATE CONTACTS This program has been set up in response to requests from members of the LSRY2K Email List who would like a mechanism to contact others in their state/province who are preparing for Y2K or interested in preparing for Y2K.

LSRY2K LIST MEMBERS WEB SITES Many of our LSRY2K list members have fine web sites devoted to Y2K.

Read the U.S. Senate Y2K Report Executive Summary Online in web page format!


Click on a Headline above to be taken to the Article

Late Breaking Y2K News

Sanger's Review of Y2K News Reports

Cory Hamasaki DC Y2K Weather Reports

Gary North's Latest Links

Have a Question about Y2K or self reliance or info to share?
Self Reliance Discussion Forum & Q&A


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