Written by Naomi Sweaterdress.

The affect that wool had

I was kidnapped, and, to my astonishment, put up for sale 
in a slave market in rural England.  Naked, except for a 
short skirt, my hands were cuffed to a slave collar round 
my neck. I had to suffer the humiliation of being 
examined by a succession of prospective purchasers, many 
of them well built, powerful women, all keen to buy a 
handsome young slave.  Each of the women stroked 
different materials down and around my body.  One woman 
took an interest in the effect that wool had on me.  It 
was quite clear from their close examination of my body 
that they were after a play slave.  By the time of the 
auction I was terrified.

In the event I was purchased by a tall and beautiful 
lady.  With her she had a tall assistant in her late 
twenties.  The assistant had long dark hair fastened into 
a bun on her head and wearing a tight fitting basque with 
black nylon tights.  From her waist hung a large rubber 
dildo and a small aerosol can.  After the auction the 
assistant attached a dog-leash to my collar and, ordering 
me not to say a word, lead me out to the car park, where 
there stood a huge Mercedes attached to a small horse 
box.  She dragged me into the horse box, without saying a 
word, and tethered me to a ring in the roof.  I did not 
realise what was happening to me.  The girl went out and 
bolted the door.  Soon after, we set off, and I found it 
difficult to keep my balance on the long journey.

After what seemed like two hours we stopped, the horse 
box was opened and the young lady lead me out into what 
is clearly the yard of some riding stables.  The lady 
disappeared into the large flour grain fodder mill 
without looking at me, and the assistant lead me on the 
rein to follow. While leading me into the house she 
stated "From this moment on you are absolutely forbidden 
to speak - ever, unless you are spoken to. You are now a 
slave, and slaves in this house are mercilessly punished 
if they ever speak out of place.  You may only answer 
politely and precisely.  Do you understand, slave?" I 
nodded my head vigorously, hardly believing my ears.  
"Secondly, I am Mistress Gloria, and I am head assistant 
to Miss Tina, the supreme Mistress, who owns this flour 
grain fodder mill and all the slaves in it.  I will also 
be in charge of your training.  You will obey my every 
order and that of any other mistress without hesitation."

Forced me to kneel

After entering the house, Mistress Gloria lead me into a 
large study.  Seated was my new owner, wearing lace 
patterned nylon tights and a bold jaquard three-quarter 
sleeved knitted dress in bright colours.  Beside her is 
another assistant, also wearing a black basque and 
tights.  My hands were released from the collar.  The two 
assistants took hold of my hair and arms and forced me to 
kneel on the floor with my arms held behind my back in a 
double arm-lock.  Miss Tina then asked me a series of 
questions about why I thought I had been chosen, 
following which she told me what she was going to do with 
me.  She explained that from this moment on I would no 
longer be referred to as male and would be deprived of my 
masculinity.  She would have me trained as a shemale maid 
and be taught how to please and satisfy a master or 
mistress and look after their every need.

Miss Tina then explained that the aerosol on the 
assistants belt was for tranquillising me if I caused 
trouble.  The dildo would be strapped in my mouth and my 
hands tied up behind my back to this.  After 
demonstrating this on me, Mistress Gloria was instructed 
to start my re-training as a shemale.

Mistress Gloria escorted me to the first instruction room 
and on entering the room I notice it to be fully carpeted 
and had one wall completely covered in mirrors.  To one 
side is a dressing table with a large mirror behind it.  
Opposite this, beside the door is a range of wardrobes 
and cupboards.  A high backed chair in front of the 
dressing table is firmly bolted to the floor.  This had 
various rings attached to it.  Suspended from the ceiling 
was a trapeze bar with loops at each end.  My Mistress 
then unfastened me and took away the mini-skirt I had on.

I was taken to a bathroom where I was given a very hot 
bath, being scrubbed hard to sensitize my skin.  The bath 
water was scented to let my skin absorb the fragrance.  
Mistress Gloria took every opportunity to excite me by 
touching my sensitive areas.  During the operation I was 
covered in shaving cream and all traces of body hair was 
removed.  When I was dried, a depilatory lotion was 
smoothed all over my arms, body and legs to remove any 
final traces of hair.  Once this had been washed off I 
was powdered with a highly scented talc.  My hair was 
dried and then pinned firmly up onto my head and sealed 
into a net.

Gave me a bust

Mistress then took me back to the training room.  From 
one of the cupboards she produced a tight fitting pantie-
corsellette.  She compelled me to put it on, and by doing 
so I found it to be so padded to give me a bust and a 
large bottom.  The pantie-corsellette had the crotch 
locked to prevent me from interfering with myself and 
padding in the front prevented me from fondling myself 
through it.  Stitched into this padding was a small flat 
package.  I was then given a pair of thick lacy 
patterned, knitted, woolly tights for me to put on.  The 
seams of which had to be straight up the back of my legs.

After donning the  woolly tights I was asked to sit in 
the chair in front of the dressing table.  Straps were 
fastened tightly onto me to hold my ankles, knees and 
arms in place, while a deep collar held my neck and head 
still.  The collar was fastened to the chair back and 
prevented any head movement.  The wrist straps were 
broader than expected and held my fingers apart and flat 
on the chair arm.  Mistress Gloria then draped a large 
soft cape over my head and tied it snugly round my neck.  
This prevented her from spilling anything onto my 
newfound underwear.  I was now completely helpless and at 
her mercy.

Mistress took a large tray out of the dressing table 
which contained many cosmetics and said, "As you are 
severely restrained, you cannot prevent me from doing 
anything I wish with you.  However you are very lucky and 
I am going to make you into a beautiful shemale."  She 
opened one of the drawers to reveal an electrical control 
unit and touched one of the switches.  A few seconds 
later the package sewn into the crotch of my corsellette 
started vibrating.  Even though I was severely 
restrained, this became a pleasurable sensation and I 
started to gain an erection in the confines of my pantie-
corsellette.  She massaged a conditioning cream into my 
face.  The action of her gentle but firm fingers further 
exited me.  While the cream soaked into my skin she 
forced a very large rubber penis into my mouth and 
attached it to the chair back.

Mistress Gloria then used on me the first of many gadgets 
that would help her in my training that would teach me to 
be an obedient and skilled shemale.  A wire from the root 
of the gag was plugged into the control unit, and at the 
flick of a switch the head of the penis started gently 
thrusting in and out of my mouth.

You will look pretty

The conditioner took about half an hour, and over this 
time the thrusting of the gag grew longer and faster 
until it hesitated and squirted a sweet sticky liquid 
into the back of my mouth.  My mistress was pleased by 
the way I sucked and swallowed so I managed to escape 
severe punishment this time.  Mistress told me that this 
would help me to service a male master.  The penis was 
removed from my mouth and Mistress started making-up my 
face by smoothing on foundation, followed by a good 
covering of translucent powder.  The excess of which was 
gently brushed off.  Blusher was applied to each cheek 
and paying particular attention to my eyes, she applied 
eye-liner, shadow an finally building up my lashes with 
mascara.  A deep red lipstick was then skilfully painted 
on and sealed with lip-gloss to finish.

The make-up complete, she fastened a shoulder length dark 
brown wig on my head.  After brushing this out she 
selected and firmly fastened on a pair of ear-rings.  
While I was contemplating my new image in the mirror, any 
objections were stifled by the penis gag again thrusting 
away in my mouth, my Mistress applied a deep red varnish 
to my nails.  While the varnish dried, she tormented me 
by talking about my helpless restrained state and my 
ability to satisfy a large penis.

After switching off the vibrator and removing the gag and 
protective cape, Mistress unstrapped me from the chair 
and stated, "As it was found at the auction that you like 
wool next to your skin, hence making you wear the woollen 
tights, we are going to select a woolly dress or sweater 
and skirt for you to wear."  My Mistress first commanded 
me to try on a long clinging chunky knitted skirt which 
reached down to my calves.  To go with this she gave me a 
matching deep polo neck sweater that had long sleeves 
with puffed up shoulders.  I then had to parade up and 
down in front of the wall of mirrors to "see if the 
outfit suits you and to get you used to seeing yourself 
dressed as a woman," she said.  Mistress was not quite 
happy with this and ordered me to remove  them while she 
sorted out a more suitable alternative.  Finally she 
selected an appropriate garment and helped me put it on.  
It was a fully fashioned, long sleeved, cowl neck, mini 
sweater dress, knitted in a very heavy wool.  "As you 
have very feminine legs, the mini will show them off to 
all and sundry," she commented.

This combination of woollen sweater dress and tights on a 
sensitive skin was pleasurable but frustrated me as I 
couldn't relieve myself.  Further spells of having the 
crotch vibrator activated added to this intense feeling.

A pair of very high heeled ankle boots were then laced 
onto my feet.  After the application of more jewellery, 
beads and bangles, a belt, well tightened was locked 
around my waist.  This prevented me from removing the 
garments if I had escaped during my training.  For the 
next hour or two I was taught how to walk in a feminine 
way, with one foot placed in front of the other to make 
the hips twist, and how to sit properly after brushing 
the back of my dress underneath me.  Finally I was shown 
how to keep my wig in style and to repair my make-up 
during the day.  Once my Mistress was satisfied that I 
would pass as a woman, she escorted me to Miss Tina for 
approval.  She was so pleased that she allowed the rest 
of the day off from training.  The only drawback was that 
I was to stay dressed as I was and be sent into the local 
town for some exposure.  I retired with my Mistress to 
get ready.

Mistress Gloria put on a trench coat over a blouse and 
skirt.  She then gave me a short black bat-wing sleeved 
coat and helped me into it, fastening the studs on each 
shoulder.  She placed a cream wool beret on my head and 
gave me a matching pair of wool gloves, telling me to put 
them on.

Going walkies

The long drive from the centre gave me a chance to 
practice my walking.  Mistress Gloria constantly 
correcting my walking posture and attitude.  When we 
reached the centre of the town I was unsure of people 
looking at me but Mistress prevented me from embarrassing 
myself.  When in clothing shops she selected various 
garments and held them up against me to see if they 
suited.  In the shoe shops I was required to try on 
various shoes.  I think back to what Miss Tina said.  
"Generally you will be required to co-operate with your 
Mistress to get you used to wearing women's clothing and 
appearing feminine.  This is to help you when you advance 
to more serious training on being a shemale maid.  Any 
disobedience will be severely paid for at a subsequent 
punishment session."

On returning to the fodder mill I was taken to a prettily 
decorated room with a bed in the centre.  My belt was 
unlocked and I was told to strip down to my pantie-
corsellette.  From a drawer Mistress gave me a brightly 
coloured leotard which I was to wear.  For the next half 
hour she instructed me to carry out may exercises to firm 
the bust, thighs, hips and other exercises to trim the 
female figure.  On completion I was completely stripped 
and fitted with a restrainer that pulled my penis back 
between my legs.  This also has a suspicious bulge sewn 
into it.  I was then zipped into an extremely fluffy, 
heavily knitted all-in-one which had both the hands and 
feet formed in it, together with a complete hood which 
had no holes in it.  Thus I was completely covered from 
head to toe with wool.  I felt straps being fastened 
around my wrists, ankles and thighs.  After being made to 
lie on the bed face down, a small strap was locked to 
each thigh strap, taken through loops on each ankle and 
then locked to my wrist cuffs.  I was now bonded in the 
'hog-tie' position.  With my hands and feet tied in this 
way it was impossible to un-zip myself from this woolly 
prison.  Mistress switched off the light and left me for 
the night to contemplate what I had got myself into.
