100 best games of chess   4   372
1851, list of chess players   3   401
1860 tournaments   9   332
1904 chess tournaments   3   406
1935 and chess   4   358
1943, wartime   6   173
Alapin   2   191
Albin   2   427
Albin   8   498
Alekhine   8   378
Alekhine   9   263
Alekhine in Puerto Rico, 1933   1   118
Alekhine, book review   1   168
Alekhine, misc   1   158
Alekhine, problem composer   1   148
Alekhine, problem composer   7   486
Alekhine, unknown game   1   147
Alekhine, unknown game   7   483
Alekhine, unknown games   3   395
Alekhine's archives in Paris   2   416
Alekhine's games, Skinner   2   442
Alekhine's games, Skinner   3   421
Alexandre   5   361
American Chess Congress, 1st   7   563
American tourneys, 1st   4   315
Amsterdam, 1911   5   227
Amsterdam, 1923   5   222
Amsterdam, 1925   6   190
Atlantic City, 1921; 8th Congress   5   192
Australia 1895   8   339
Australia chess columns   9   311
Automatons   6   446
Bardeleben   2   198
Berlin 1889   8   321
Blackburne   1   159
Blackburne   5   376
Boden   7   538
Bogoljubow   3   384
Bogoljubow-Euwe, 1928-29   5   230
Bourdonnais   8   373
Bourdonnais, last games   9   202
British royal family and chess   3   404
Brussels   6   414
cable match 1900   5   384
cable match, 1903   6   31
café de la regence   7   558
Capablanca   9   269
Capablanca in Saint Louis   8   416
Capablanca in Sao Paulo, 1927   6   388
Capablanca in Spain   7   488
Capablanca, 1910-1911   4   9
Capablanca, House of Commons   3   399
Capablanca, NY 1931   5   312
Capablanca, UK tour 1919-20   2   3
Carlsbad 1929   7   160
Chajes   8   228
Charousek   1   175
Charousek games   1   177
Charousek, unknown games   3   376
Chess Amateur magazine   8   541
chess clubs, 1903   5   367
chess columns   1   140
chess columns   7   528
chess columns in Finland   5   331
chess columns in Scandanavia   4   280
chess columns, British in 1850s   5   342
chess columns, Czech   8   463
chess columns, oldest   1   142
chess columns, UK   3   352
chess columns, US   2   392
chess crosstables, unknown   4   322
Chess Monthly   6   469
Chess Player's Chronicle   2   408
Chess Player's Chronicle   5   402
Chess Player's Chronicle   7   575
Chess Player's Chronicle   8   458
Chess Player's Chronicle   9   400
chess tournamenet, oldest - 1836   8   540
Chigorin   5   418
concentration camp   6   465
copyright and chess   6   430
correspondence chess in WWII   7   516
crime and chess   5   380
Dolde, Harold   7   145
Dolde, Harold   8   276
Drake and chess   4   341
Dresden chess library   7   522
Duchamp      8   552
Duchamp and games   6   423
Duras book review   2   435
Duras, oldest game   1   143
Duz-Khotimirsky   3   139
Essays in American Chess History   7   569
Euwe and games   2   455
Euwe's 1st games   3   369
Field, 1900   6   483
Field, John   7   534
Fine and games   3   435
Flohr vs Stoltz   9   174
Flohr and Dutch tour   7   559
Flohr in Spain   2   416
Franklin      8   500
Franklin chess club, 1897-98   4   165
Geffe (Woliston)   9   138
Graf   8   223
Hague Olympiad 1928   3   190
Hanover, 1902   5   61
Harrwitz   8   489
Hesse   8   422
history, chess books   4   349
Hoffmann, Alexander   7   156
Horwitz and games   5   129
Hromadka   5   154
Hromadka   6   146
Hromadka   7   101
Hromadka   8   228
Hromadka (1938-1940)   9   79
India and chess   5   362
Internet and chess research   4   287
Internet and chess research   5   338
Jaenish library   7   551
Jaenisch obituary   4   338
Janowski   9   364
Japan and chess   4   336
Japan and chess   8   158
Jellet, James   9   60
Journoud   6   466
Lasker, book review   1   164
Lasa   6   457
Lasa and games   6   492
Lakser   9   229
Lasker and philosophy   8   396
Lasker and war   5   300
Lasker in Dresden, Hague, Phily   7   512
Lasker in San Francisco   6   114
Lasker, 1896   4   303
Lasker, extra games   3   118
Lasker, unknown   2   176
Lasker, unknown games   4   328
Lasker, unknown games   5   298
Lasker, unknown games   6   379
Leonhardt   1   45
Lipschutz and games   4   230
living chess   1   143
Lodz 1906   6   194
London 1851   8   329
London 1899   7   264
Lowenthal   9   337
Marshall     3   387
Marshall matches, 1902   2   373
Marshall, Chicago 1910   6   455
Marshall, St Louis 1930   5   373
Marshall, unknown games   3   403
Mechanics Chess Club history   7   81
Memphis and chess   4   351
Menuhin   1   152
Mieses   2   204
Minchin   8   533
Monte Carlo 1902   5   7
Monte Carlo 1903   2   212
Morphy   8   407
Morphy   9   238
Morphy and plagiarisms   5   273
Morphy and plagiarisms   7   476
Morphy bio   6   344
Morphy corrections   6   343
Morphy games   9   413
Morphy in Baltimore   4   326
Morphy simul, London 1859   5   294
Morphy, less known games   5   279
Morphy-Deacon games   2   420
Morphy-Deacon games   3   378
Morphy-Deacon games   4   344
Morphy-Deacon games   7   478
Morphy's first game   2   431
Moscow 1946, USA vs USSR   8   357
Munich 1936 Olympiad   7   247
Napier   5   352
Nedved (Illinois)   9   170
Nice 1930   1   57
Nice, 1925; 3rd French ch   6   207
Nimzovich   4   287
number of chess tourneys   1   157
Paris, 1930   9   149
Paulsen blindfolded   2   424
Philadelphia and chess      5   407
Philadelphia and chess  - Rex CC   8   164
Philadelphia and chess, 1864   3   121
Philadelphia chess 1864   2   163
Philidor and games   4   383
Philidor games   2   405
Philidor, book reviews   6   476
Pillsbury   1   5
Pillsbury forgotton games   2   407
Pillsbury tour of UK, 1902   1   9
Pillsbury, 1902-03   5   6
Pillsbury, book review   1   160
Pillsbury, UK tour in 1903   6   3
Pillsbury's chess column   4   303
Pillsbury's obituary   2   433
Pollock   5   397
Pollock and games   4   143
Prague 1943 & Alekhine   7   484
Principles of chess research   1   136
Reshevsky   7   3
Reshevsky, 1920-1922   9   17
Reshevsky tour   8   19
Reti   9   378
retro-analysis   9   287
Rosenthal, death   5   358
Rothschild   8   493
Russia and chess   5   351
Ruth   9   279
Salwe   7   549
Sellman's games   9   417
Shipley   8   561
Solovtsov   9   361
Sovereigns as chess players   4   347
Spielmann   1   37
St Amant   3   170
St Petersburg 1895-96   3   8
Staunton and games   4   82
Steinitz in Havana   9   261
Steinitz in Riga   3   74
Steinitz in Russia, 1895-96   3   6
Steintz obituary   9   276
Steinitz revisited   3   111
Steinitz, book chess   1   162
Steinitz, last game   2   426
Steinitz, unknown game    3   374
Steinitz, unknown games   1   145
Steinitz-Lasker, 1894   3   247
Steinitz-Schiffers, 1896   3   80
Steinitz-Zukertort, 1882-1886   6   233
Steinitz-Zukertort, 1882-1886   7   270
Szen   9   120
Teed   7   137
Teichmann   1   50
telegraph and chess   1   147
telegraph and chess & Staunton   7   494
Tolstoy   6   437
Turk automaton   5   394
Turk automaton   8   519
Vatican and chess   3   389
Vatican and chess   5   366
Vatican and chess - not   4   306
Victoria chess columns   9   303
Vidmar   3   151
Vienna gambit tourney, 1903   6   61
Walbrodt   9   216
Walbrodt's games   9   375
Whitaker   5   316
Whitaker in Pittsburgh   7   98
Whyld, Keneth   9   15
Vienna, 1882   8   298
Winawer   7   534
Zemgalis   8   555
Znosko-Borowsky   3   386
Zytogorski   4   120