Hi! this is a small introduction of my company please visit my site, for more information it is still under construction so please bear with us. Netangle was formed to cater to the needs of the people who rely mainly on the net to access the information, it is a boon for peoplelooking to buy,sell,advertise etc. on the net with almost a quarter of the investment of Paper Ads & millions of People watching them it helps them to reach a large amount of audience throughout the world, but sometimes this boon becomes a nightmare when the Information that you want cannot be accesed because of the Network Traffic generated on the server where the Web page is hosted, in simple words too many people accessing the same information at the same time. This cannot be said about us We are privileged to have the highest bandwith facility of its kind in the world, We are connected to a "Giga-Center" in Silicon Valley, California. This server has over 1 Giga bits per second (1070 MBPS!) BAngwith coming out of it to the rest of the Internet. 
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