Make A Signature Tube

Create a new image new
   Width & height to suit your needs
      (I used 250 x 75)
   Select > pixels & pixels/inch
   Background color > transparent
   Image type > 16.7 million colors (24 bit)
 Click OK ok

Select foreground color fg
   Select black

Select the text tool tt
   Choose a nice font (I used Senator)
   Check anti alias
   Check floating
   Type your name
 Click OK ok

Center the text in your image and deselect it

If you do not have the layer palette displayed, do so now by pressing the L key

Add a new layer
new layer
   Name > shadow
   Blend mode > normal
   Opacity > 100
   Group > 0
   Check layer is visible
   Uncheck protect transparency
   Use defaults for the rest
 Click OK ok

Select Layer 2 layer 2
   Select the text tool again with the same settings as before
   Place your text slightly lower and to the right of the first test
your name 2

Deselect the text

Slide the Layer 2 opacity setting back to about 60%

Right click on the layers in the layer palette
   Select merge > merge visible

Select File > Export > Picture Tube
 The default settings should work fine
 Type in your name in the Tube Name box

Now whenever you want to sign your work of art just select Picture Tube tube
 Select your name
yn tube
and click on the image.
