Growing Up On CU

Some random anonymous thoughts...
posted with permission and the hopes that it will help you feel less alone

I tend to isolate myself and not let anyone inside unless I see a person, one that I will view so very differently from the rest and there I may open up, let down of a few walls on CU. A two-dimensional personality is what CU appears to be for most people, a quick "fix" if you are in need of a sexual satisfaction but masturbating looking at pictures or just using your mind doesn't seem to really work anymore. In a way, CU may become a bottle of alcohol, in need of a more potent fix each day, each month, seeing a total stranger naked just doesn't do it for the person anymore. In a way, for some CU is mostly laughter, superficiality, emotions, if too deep or too complex tend to "stray" the group off of its common desire: entertainment. To even want to let others see you cry, people you've never seen before is quite a feat. But, if you start crying in a theatre, chances are most people will "shhhh" you so you'll either "buck up" or "get out". You find yourself wanting to be human or humanistic, you desire contact but how close can contact be when your friendship goes through a wire and comes out as pixels on the other person's screen?

CU is a world, a universe on its own. CU is exactly real life, CU is bad and is good. CU is everything and is nothing. If you see a child born on CU, or a baby, you are amazed. But then you think about it, you wonder "what if this child grows up on CU?" is this something you really look forward too? It does scare me, the thought of it, the thought of a 10 year old boy, girl being enticed by older men wanting nothing else but to "extend their quick fix". After all, this 2 dimensional world is just that for some, a sort of open multimedia porn book. Each day a new page is written, one you may not agree at all with, a page you may actually fear. Because you see, outside if someone "flashes" a 10 year old kid and he gets caught, the law takes over from there. But "inside" CU, everybody flashes everyone, whether be their personality (aggressive, mild, positive, negative, the whole salad of human behavior) or their genitals. Sex for free, the 60's again, this time there is no responsibilities at all because once you have turned off the computer, that's it. What you have done, you live with it until the next time where you might do it again. As I said before, is CU good or bad, is it both or more of one and less of the other? I really don't know, all I really know is that for almost 5 years spent on this medium of communication I think I have changed and I think I haven't changed at all. I think CU brought some aspects of me out, the shy person out and transformed it in a more confident person. Before CU I was a very sexual person, a very liberal person as far as I see sex in my life. Making love to a woman, with another man at the same time, that happened long before CU. Once I got on CU, I saw that the world was much more liberal then I first thought it was but then I got to see that reality shows you that between CU and the real world there is a (pardon the pun) world of difference. In the real world, people do not express their sexuality so openly, so forwardly. In the real world, we tend to mask ourselves, to mask these "hidden desires" we all have but we may never express. CU becomes a wonderful way of letting go of these desires, letting them free and see if they can take a life of their own. You may realize that you are not the only person in the world that loves to do "this", "that" for so many other people will express the same sexual desires as you. There, in the CU world. Sex has a form of communication, isn't that something that a psychologist would say is a terrible mistake to make? CU isn't sex only, but sex is the main factor by which CU grows. And sex is people, and people grown. So you see, I have grown over the years, grown on CU.

March 1999