Respect for the stars
Posted By: PhilosopherX
Date: 7/22/0 21:27

Popular and Jealously sought after ./. the lighting is attractive, the focus ./. perfect.. ./. and the curves, oh god those curves! ./. ./.

She's everybodies sweetheart ./. kind even to the faceless ./. nameless moths burning themselves ./. in hopeless silence.. ./. ./. And when she moves, when she smiles ,/, in recognition of her effect ./. they are consumed by their own needs ./. ./. star burnt with raw emotion ./. so shut down, close the window ./. nobody will notice one less lurker

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Posted By: PhilosopherX
Date: 7/30/0 17:42

remembering that the picture is not the person and digital dreams do not nourish the soul, I wonder from room to room looking for that which I know I will never find. Dont mind me I say, I'm just passing through, momentarily distracted by a perfect breast or fabulous fanny. I dare not look at her smile, It might rip through the flimsey protection of my indifference. Oh gawd how i wish.. Be Quiet You Fool, somebody might notice.

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