What is a Refmon?

by Baldy

What is a ref monitor aka "refmon"? Well one thing they are not are ogre's or jerks. The refmon is there in the chat room to assist participants that are having trouble with CU or have questions about, well, just about anything. We are also there to recruit new members for the ref. Our main duty is keeping order in a room crowded with sex hungry males and a few attractive ladies. The refmon is VERY protective of the ladies visiting a chat room and will not hesitate to "boot" someone that is harrassing a member.We also have to check participants to see if they are sending a "live" image or appear under age. As you can imagine with 20 to 30 people in a room this can occupy quite a bit of time and we miss a great deal of what is going on. :-(. Occupational hazard I suppose. The monitor is not employed by the ref but only a member like you. However, we feel that some sort of order must prevail and that's why we do what we do.
Baldy Ref monitor at www.cu-central.com

July 1998