A DC Contest - Contributed by Crossroads There was a new guy on the ref one night. You could tell that he was new to CU and was a little overwhelmed by it all, but picked things pretty quick. It had been a real good night with lots of talkative and interesting people on but things were starting to wind down, there were just a few guys hanging around. On pops this real beautiful woman! She said, "Anyone want to DC?" After explaining to the new guy what a DC was, he wanted in on it! The woman said "I will see who is the most deserving to DC with me!" All the guys turned on the charm and I can only imagine what was going on in their vids. After a while, the woman said, to the new guy, "I think you need my help more than the others!" They left and the rest of us were talking about how lucky he was. A few minutes later the new guy came back and said "Hey guys, you will not believe this!" I cautioned him that it was not polite to DC and tell. He said, "You don't understand Cross, you will not believe this!" Knowing that he was new to CU, I wanted to make sure he understood that it was not a good idea to tell about a DC in public. Then he said, "But you don't understand, she was a Jehovah's Witness and tried to convert me!"

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The gods on Mt. Olympus were celebrating and having a feast in honor of themselves which they often do. There was much drinking, dancing, music and merriment. As the festival drew on some of the gods (the ones who hadn't passed out from drinking) decided to create a monument to themselves. They gathered up earth from high on the mountain and each god added to it. Poseidon added a handful of sea foam; Aphrodite, the feather of a dove; Apollo, a ray of sunlight; Athena, an olive branch and Prometheus added knowledge. When they were done, Zeus drew a lightning bolt from the heavens and hurled it. There was a thunderous explosion, a brilliant flash of light and a cloud of smoke. As the smoke cleared, out from it stepped Xeen. The gods were awestruck by what they had created: a women, a vision of loveliness, a goddess --- Xeen! She stood before them, naked in all her glory. Her long, dark hair cascaded gently over her silken shoulders. Her body was full and shapely with an hourglass figure, full firm breasts, exquisite skin --- a voluptuous sight. She looked soft and warm and inviting. But she had more than mere beauty. She had an aura around her. She was a strong woman with a kind and generous heart. She possessed the wit and wisdom of a scholar. It is said that whenever Xeen descended Mt. Olympus that mortal men who gazed upon her beautiful face were struck dumb or left to babble incoherently. Even the gods could not control their lust for Xeen. They all tried to woo her. Poseidon created pearls; Apollo brought her sunshine; Eros played music for her and Zeus created many splendid things to try and win her favor. But Xeen was a woman with her own mind and a woman not to be possesed. She did not want to be Zeus' mistress and resisted his advances. In frustration and out of obsession, Zeus devised a plan to steal Xeen away to a remote island where he would keep her prisoner so that she would be his alone. Hera, the wife of Zeus, uncovered his plot. She was jealous of all who had her husbands' attention. But she was not pwerful enough to stop him. So she told Xeen of his plan to capture her. She told Xeen she would help her evade Zeus, but that she must leave Mt. Olympus. Because of Zeus' power, Xeen reluctantly agreed. Hera stole a lightning bolt from Zeus while he was sleeping. She put it in the ammulet that Xeen wears around her neck. This is to protect her from Zeus if he ever finds her. He looks for her still. So remember, if you have the good fortune to meet Lady Xeen that she can't reveal all her glorious beauty to us all at once. Instead, she shows us what class and gracefulness mean. To look upon her is to look at a living work of art. Remember also in your travels through life, if you see something in nature that is perfect -- like a rose in full bloom, a summer sunset in the desert, or waves of green and blue caressing a sandy beach, it is only poor old Zeus trying to win Xeen's favor. THE END

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Twas the night before CHRISTMAS
and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring
except me and my mouse.

My wife's stockings were hung
on the bedpost with care,
I was hoping that soon
the rest of her clothes would be there.

It was late so most perverts
were snuggled in bed,
while visions of nudity
danced in their heads.

My wife in her panties,
my hand in my pants,
had just got online
to take a quick cu glance.

On Crossroads reflector,
they all started to chatter.
I opened the vids
to see what was the matter.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear...
Lady XEEN !!!....
Dressed in something sexy and sheer.

With a clap of her hands,
on came a light.
Out came the oil,
for all a delight.

She oiled her breasts,
her necklace did dangle.
A sexy Kris Kringle
from every angle.

Her breasts they did jiggle
like two bowls full of Jell-O,
each tipped with a cherry
for Mr. XEEN, lucky fellow!

Then her video went dark,
all gray and all shaded.
But when it came back,
a new scene she'd created.

She was dressed in a costume
of garland and lace.
My heart started to beat
at an incredible pace.

Then I noticed something else,
it gave me a tingle.
On her body were bells,
when she shook them they jingled.

She encouraged us all,
called us each one by nick...
on Crossroads, on Seesaw, on Voyeur, on Vic...
on Flyrod, on G-man, on Simon, cum quick

Out of the corner of my eye,
I saw my wife look at me askance.
While watching XEEN dance
I had cum in my pants!

She had to leave then,
she had many more stops to make.
But as her video faded from sight,
the last thing she said was:
and to all a good night!"

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The day after CU XMAS by Mr Seesaw

The day after cu XMAS
twas the day after the party
and all through the house
everybody was smiling
especially my spouse

her stockings were flung
near the bed, over there
the rest of her clothes?
well we really don't care

it was early the next morning
we were snuggled in bed
while visions of last nights party
danced through our heads

on crossroads reflector
everyone did gather
for a little chit-chat
and light cu patter

then Lady XEEN made a grand entrance
right upon cue
a sexy saint nick
oh what a view !

Her costume of garland
was an incredible sight
and trimming her tree
was such a delight !

She inspired us all
her show it was great
cupid and comet
well they just couldn't wait

there was CROSSMAS and SAINT
and XEEN was the dancer

KITIRA came late
but made up for it and how
her and her hubby
made us all say "wow"

then lady XEEN
you stuck right with the script
the last thing you said
the last thing you quipped

"Merry Christmas to all
and to all a good night"

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To Kerry
Kerry gave CU that incredible feeling of family that is so hard to find. Always there, in good times and bad, smiling radiantly or ranting in anger, she shared the whole person with us. Not everyone loved her equally, but her effect on our community is undeniable. She made our world better, more 'real', and we are all richer people for having known her. You are missed, Kerry. I hope your journey now is as wonderful as the journey we had together here.

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