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Alex & Greg's Master of Orion 2 Page!!!

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Master of Orion 2 is a great new game produced by Microprose! This is a picture provided on the CD

My friend will soon have a Diablo page up...I will add a link in the link section when it is up and going!

For some dumb planning reason of Microprose's you can only take black and white pictures...thats the reason there aren't any here.

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I will soon have a Warcraft II page up..I know its an old game, but its still my favorite! I will add a link in the link section when it is up.
Questions, comments, & suggestions welcome! Email Alex at or Greg at

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Custom Races
Designing Ships
Master of Orion 2 is a strategy game where you try to achieve control over a galaxy. You must colonize worlds, research technology, and compete with other races.

There are three ways to win in Master of Orion

  1. Conquer the galaxy and destroy all the other races
  2. Destroy the Antarans
  3. Be elected supreme ruler of the galaxy by the High Council

The first way to win is rather obvious...take out everyone.
The second one is slightly more complicated. To take out the Antarans* you must take your fleet through a Dimensional Portal to the Antaran homeworld. There you must defeat their fleet and Star Fortress...not an easy task.

*Some people think of the Antarans as an annoying pain, taking out planets when they show up that you've worked hard to build. I think of them as an oppurtunity. If they're coming to your planet quickly build a starbase and as many military installations as possible. They have better tech then it is possible for you to have. Scramble all of your fleet to meet their attack. Then in battle IMMOBILIZE them(tractor beams & assault shuttles ARE useful here). They have ELITE crews and if you board them there is a 50% chance the ship will blow up. But if you surround them with lots of ships and keep boarding them you MIGHT capture them. If you succeed you can scrap the ship and get some of the best tech in the game! Of course, if you dont have a big fleet and you can't get any military installations there in time don't bother. You'll just lose the fleet and the planet.
The third way is the most complicated. Every so often the High Council comes together for a meeting. Their sole purpose is to select a leader for the galaxy. The two empires with the highest population are selected to be voted on. The number of votes an empire gets is based upon their population. Computer players decide who to vote on based upon current relations. If they don't like either of the players they abstain from voting. For an emperor to be elected he must have a 2/3 majority. Fortunately, if the Council comes up with a verdict you don't agree with you can ignore it. Unfortunately, all empires immediately declare war on you and WILL NOT talk to you. It will be either you...or them
But there are many things you must do before worrying about that...Here is what you should do to get started.

Getting Started

Galaxy Settings

Difficulty asks you to choose between tutor, easy, medium, hard, or impossible. If it's on tutor, enemy races are incredibly easy to destroy. Unfortunately, you can't customize your own race on this setting. On impossible, you're fighting back under a disadvantage. The other races have more research & production. They also don't like you very much.
Galaxy Size asks you to choose how big the galaxy is(how many stars/other phenomena are in the galaxy). The choices are small-20 star, medium-36 star, large-54, or huge-72.
Galaxy Age determines between average, mineral rich, or organic rich. Average galaxies have average minerals and average climates. Mineral rich has many rich & ultra-rich planets, but many of the planets are not friendly to life. Organic rich galaxies have many planets that are friendly to life but planets with many minerals are somwhat harder to find.
Players asks you to determine how many races there are in the galaxy including yourself. You can pick from 2-8 races.
Tech Level asks you to determine what tech level the races start out with. If you pick pre-warp you start without the knowledge of even moving outside of your system. You must discover even the most basic technologies. Average starts you out with some basic tech, 1 colony ship, & 2 scout ships. Advanced starts you out with quite a bit of tech. It also starts you out with a fleet of warships & a number of colonies depending on the # of players and the size of your galaxy.
Tactical Combat gives you the choice of controlling the ships yourself, or letting the computer just give you the result. I suggest you keep it on and control the ships yourself. Random events keep special random events that affect solar systems or entire empires. If you have Antarans Attack is on the Antarans attack every so often. They get stronger and stronger each time.
If you've never played MOO1 I recommend you at least play your first game on Tutor or Easy. Try a small galaxy with just a few players. Set it to Organic Rich and put it on Average Technology. Hit OK and now it's time to choose a race.

Now to pick a race. While you can choose a pre-made race, I strongly recommend against it. You can make a much better race yourself. Creative is incredibly useful! Put it on unless you have a really good reason not to! Here are some custom races and the picture you should choose if you do use this race and how you should use it.(the picture matters because it takes that race out of the game). You should try to get 10 extra picks through penalties to max out your bonuses. If no goverment is given, assume its a Dictatorship.
Custom Races

Race #1-Elerians