Mark & Elizabeth



Mark & Susan







   Letter to ER

Main Page

Beta Readers

Once I get an idea in my head, I can spend hours working to develop it into a finished product that I am proud to post.  The people who read drafts and offer feedback along the way are an invaluable help to me.  They’re here when I’m stuck and need a sounding board for ideas, or to look over the finished product and catch any typos I missed when my brain was working faster than my fingers.  I couldn’t do this without them, and I appreciate their assistance more than this simple message can properly convey.  Past and present, I sincerely thank everyone who so generously offers their time to read my work and offer comments.   Trigg, Farah, Jen, Alicia, Cari, Ros, EpneBelle and Megan, you’re the greatest!  Thank you!

Screen Captures

All screen captures used to make the graphics on this page came from, ER Screen Caps, ER Screen Capture Archive or Just Elizabeth and Mark Screen Caps.  Thank you to everyone who takes the time to make screen captures, and to post them for the rest of us to enjoy!

Web Design

And last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank D.D., one of the most talented graphic artists and web designers with whom I have ever had the pleasure of working.  I’ve been wanting to give the page a new look for a while, so I was extremely grateful when D.D. offered to help and ended up providing me with much, much more than just the few banners I was expecting.  Thank you!

If anyone's interested, she used Adobe PhotoShop 6.0, NotePad, Macromedia Dreamweaver and Front Page.


This site is in no way connected with "ER," Warner Bros. Television, Amblin Entertainment, Constant c Productions, NBC, etc. This site is purely for entertainment purposes and not for profit. The copyright for all materials on this site remains with the author. Please do not use, post or distribute without the consent of the author.

"ER," the characters and situations depicted within are the property of Warner Brothers Television, Amblin Entertainment, Constant c Productions, NBC, etc. They are borrowed without permission, but without the intent of infringement. The stories presented here is written solely for entertainment purposes, and the author is not making a profit.