What do Christians REALLY believe?
Christians believe there is only one God out there.  He is three persons in one: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.  How is it possible to be three in one?  Think of a loaf of bread cut in three equal parts.  Still all bread, still one loaf, yet three different slices.

<-- For visual learners
We believe that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  Basically, we've all done something wrong, and no one walking this Earth or who ever has walked this Earth (except Jesus, but we'll get there in a sec) is perfect.  We've all messed up, and 99% of the time we knew what we were doing was wrong.
To "fall short" of the glory of God means we're not as perfect as Him.  He's God.  He's cool like that.  And as His Son and being one with God, Jesus is also perfect.
God is perfectly good, and to do wrong, called sinning, is to push God away from you.  We push God away from us when we sin because God is so perfectly good that any sin and bad cannot be around Him.  We know we are wrong and don't want that to be out in the open...it's embarassing and is filled with guilt.  But what is worse, and what so many people don't realize is this:
- Sin separates us from God.  God gave us life, He is life.
- To push away God is to push away life.  To push away life is to push yourself into death.
- Every crime deserves a punishment...it's justice.  Justice is good.  Sin deserves death.  To be separated from God is to be dead, and if the distance isn't closed up, that's where hell comes in.  Hell is eternal separation from God...eternal death.
Well, now I've got good news and bad news.  But the bad news can be resolved, so we'll go with that first.

Bad news:  You're a sinner.  Hey, I am too!  And we can't bridge that gap alone.  Being good really doesn't get you into heaven.  I'm sure all the good you've done balances equally with all the bad.  And not all the good actions we do are backed by good motivation.  We might give to the church to look good...it's nice, but not pure.  We can't get to heaven by what we do or who we are.

Good news:  Doesn't mean you can't get into heaven.  Doesn't mean you can't bridge that gap between you and the Creator who loves you more than you could possibly know.  GOD LOVES YOU TOO MUCH.  Told you it was good news.
Because God is just, our sins still have to be paid for.  But He loves you so much, and it would break His heart to see you in hell.  So He sent His own Son to take your place.  Jesus died in your place, so you would not have to pay the death penalty for your sins.  John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life."

And the gap is bridged...if you believe this.

All you have to do is believe that Jesus did take your place on that cross, and that as a result of His sacrifice for you, you can now have a personal relationship with your Creator.
If these truths have impacted you and you want to have that personal relationship with the God who loves you, it's time to make your decision now.  Why wait to close the gap when God's been waiting your whole life for you?  If you want to accept Jesus as your Savior, the one who saved you from eternal death and instead took your place so you could have eternal life in heaven with Him, say this prayer now.

God, I am a sinner.  I'm sorry for my sin, and I know it pushes You away from me.  God, I don't want to push You away anymore; I want to know You.  I believe that Jesus was Your Son, and though I don't know or understand everything God, I want to learn.  Please come into my heart today.  Thank you, Lord, for Saving me.  In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
If you are still not sure, or have questions, here are resources.  You can even E-mail me or anyone on the contact page.  The links below can also provide you with more information.
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