Rollinstruction of the Master

1. The best papers for the SuperJoint

2. How do you roll a good tip

3. The best hemp and hasj to roll with

4. How to turn a MasterJoint?!?


The best papers for the SuperJoint

Take this advice from me, don't take any papers of Rizla, Take the blue papers of Smoking. It rolls nice and tastes deliciously.


How do you roll a good tip?

Take a hard piece of cardboard.

And cut it like this:


Roll it from point A to point B.


The SuperTip is build.


The beginning of the SuperJoint.


The best hemp and hasj to roll with

I think the best combination is a bit of Skunk and a bit of Afghanian hasj with a little piece of Super Polm. I think this is the best for a really high joint.

Take a cigarette, I prefer Marlboro Medium or Camel Medium, these cigarettes are mostly a bit older than the normal cigarettes.This rolls much better.

So a SuperTip, well licked papers and Medium cigarettes are the three fundements for a SuperJoint.

''The GrandMaster SuperJoint of the Millenium''


How to turn a MasterJoint?!?

Stick the two papers perpendicular on eachother, like below:


Place the tip on the thin side of the paper and divide the Medium cigarette equable amond the papers. Now you have to spread the prepared tasty hemp all over the paper. Then we go to the last ingredients: the Afghanian Hasj an the Super Polm. We'll roll the Afghanian hasj between our forefinger and thumb till we have little oblong tumbles. Further we'll spread the deliciously Polm and the tumbles all over the papers. At last we'll spread a little bit of cigarette all over it and we're ready to ROLL!  

I can be short about rolling, you can do it or you're a loser.

Enjoy the PeX SuperJoint !!!