Concept: D4C is a Wyrm Deck designed around high-Rage characters, employing high-Rage damage Combat Cards. It is a "Hit'em-fast & hard" style of deck. In testing this deck has not lost yet.

Deck Strategy: The strategy for this deck is simple, pump up your characters, and hit your opponent hard. It makes use of "cross-over" gifts, allowing some characters to use Shadowlord gifts, notably True Fear. Additionally, it limits damage done by opponent's by use of the Skin of the Hellbound to help keep your pack alive, while also limiting your opponent's Rage and Gnosis by use of Infectious Touches and the Caern of the Unwashed Child.

Characters: 24 Renown Total

Alternate Character (for 20 Renown Game)

Replace Amelia with Fangthane Blood jaw

Sept Deck: 28 Cards Total

Equipment: 8 Cards Total

Events: 4 Cards Total

Actions: 3 Cards Total

Gifts: 12 Cards Total

Miscellaneous: 1 Card Total

Combat Cards: 22 Cards Total

We hope that looking over this deck helps you with your own ideas for deck construction. And would Appreciate any comments your have.

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