The Sept of the Xeroxed Caern

A Glasswalker Deck Concept

Concept: The Sept of the Xeroxed Caern is a Glasswalker Gaia deck designed around utilization of the gift Alias and the equipment card Cellular Phone. Alias allows pack members to create duplicates of themselves, allowing you to both battle relentlessly, switching between the characters and their duplicates when one is damaged. The Cellular Phones allow pack attack after the second round by any members holding phones, keeping fights in which you are the defender typically to two rounds, since after that the other pack members will arrive.

Deck Strategy: The strategy for this deck is odd, but so are the central cards, Alias and Cellular Phone. Using Alias create duplicates of your best characters, and switch off between the duplicates and the real pack members to keep your pack strong, while wearing down your opponent's characters. Additionally, the use of Cellular Phones helps your pack attack and defend as a group, without filling up your precious combat had with Combat Event Cards to do it. It also helps keep combat in which you are the Defender to only a couple of rounds, since on the third round, suddenly your opponent will have to contend with one or two more fresh and healthy Glasswalkers, each with two more combat cards each.

Characters: 25 Renown Total

Alternate Character (for 20 Renown Game)

Replace Roger Daly and Virus-to-Wyrm with Stephen "Mindbender" Garrison (Note: this will give you only a 19 point pack, but that's fine.)

Sept Deck: 49 Cards Total

Equipment: 17 Cards Total

Allies: 4 Cards Total

Events: 9 Cards Total

Actions: 5 Cards Total

Gifts: 13 Cards Total

Miscellaneous: 1 Cards Total

Combat Cards: 35 Cards Total

We hope that looking over this deck helps you with your own ideas for deck construction. And would Appreciate any comments your have.

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