The Candle & The Crow Mage Page - Deck Designs - The Church of the Martyrs
Church of the Martyr Logo

Deck Concept:

This deck is designed around an odd mix of opposites, a Black and White Deck. Originally built as an Angels and Demons deck, it has changed slightly into a deck based on sacrificing one thing for another. Many players feel afraid to sacrifice, or put cards in their deck that require sacrifices, for fear that they can not keep up with them and this will eventually work against them, which is true. This deck is designed to keep those big eaters happy, and sacrifice happily until the end of the game with any luck, and provides plenty of ways to get rid of those big guys if all goes bad. This strange "cult" oriented deck, complete with preachers, altars, angels, and demons, and lots of martyrs, ready to give their lives for the greater good can be fun to play, and frustrating to play against.


This deck is 63 cards in size. It is listed as Type One.


17 Cards Total


12 Cards Total


13 Cards Total


21 Cards Total

We welcome your comments on this Deck. Please email us at and put down in the Reference portion of your e-mail "Re: THE CHURCH OF THE MARTYR" so your responses can be passed along. Thanks.

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