The Outsiders

A Moot Deck Filled with Surprises

Concept: The Outsiders is an essence a Moot Deck, although it does so in a backwards way. Placing someone like Grimfang or Pearl River in a Moot Deck, though obviously advantageous in a first round of Moot Voting, also has its problems in that the characters once placed on the table have large target signs on them saying "Kill me before I moot your pack away." This deck is designed so that an opponent won't realize what direction your pack's attack is coming from until its too late.

Deck Strategy: The strategy for this deck is based around taking hold of the Moot advantage through both Moot direct cards, such as Elder Stones, and Renown related gifts and cards that remove a character's ability to vote (such as the Combat Actions Curb Stomp or Mangle, or the fetish Sand of Sleep, as well as by forcing his characters to attack Enemies and Skindancer Pack Members which he can't defeat, and since obviously, dead characters can't vote this gives an edge as well. This tactic involves the use of the gift Geas, and the fetish Bones of Shakir Hind.

Characters: 25 Renown Total

Alternate Characters (for 20 Renown Game)

Replace Petrov Tzarovich and Natasha Moonchaser with Carleson Ruah and Morgan the Unworthy

Sept Deck: 43 Cards Total

Equipment: 9 Cards Total

Events: 3 Cards Total

Moot Cards: 10 Cards Total

Gifts: 13 Cards Total

Enemies: 3 Cards Total

Miscellaneous: 5 Cards Total

Combat Cards: 35 Cards Total

We hope that looking over this deck helps you with your own ideas for deck construction. We would appreciate any comments your have. To return to the Candle & Crow Rage Page, Click Here.