Team Pentex

The "Disposable" Ally Strategy

Concept: Pentex, the evil Mega-Corporation in Werewolf: The Apocalypse, is noted for having ties to everything and everyone, and using them as Pawns in its greater chess game for power. Team Pentex is a Wyrm Deck inspired by the belief that life is cheap, and people and allies are merely pawns to be used.

Deck Strategy: The strategy for this deck centers around the concept of Attrition. It is a fact that the biggest problem with Pentex characters is that its pack members do not regenerate. So you must even the odds, by taking away the regenerational ability of its opponents through aggravated damage (and by other means like the Pentex Refinery and by putting out so many allies that they can fight for a round, get some damage on the opposing Garou, and then pull out. Your allies are used like kleenex. Once they get a little messed up, pull them out, and basically sit around the rest of the game. Don't let them get killed, its just Victory Renown for your opponent. Sure they'll be damaged, and can't heal, but that's okay since you planned and never using them again really, while you opponent's limited pack grows weaker and weaker, and then gets smaller and smaller.

Characters: 25 Renown Total

Alternate Character (for 20 Renown Game)

Replace Snickers with Miles Kent (and remove the Sticky Paws, Suffering Bastards, Oils of Corruption & Eater-Of-Souls Pack Totem)

Sept Deck: 39 Cards Total

Equipment: 13 Cards Total

Gifts: 8 Cards Total

Allies: 8 Cards Total

Enemies: 6 Cards Total

Actions: 5 Cards Total

Combat Cards: 28 Cards Total

We hope that looking over this deck helps you with your own ideas for deck construction. And would Appreciate any comments your have.

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