H O M E     P A G E
Jonny Quest
Hopeless Romantics
This page is created by a fan for other fans and is in no way affiliated with, approved of or endorsed by Hanna Barbera or Turner Productions. Please see my disclaimer.

Are you tired of people staring at you when you try to proudly proclaim that you are a card carrying member of the HRA? Do other JQ fans laugh at your fanatical belief that Jessie and Jonny are meant to be together? (Are some of you laughing now?? Well, stop it!) Fear no more!! Now, you can use this lovely form to explain why you are a HR to those silly people who just don't get it.

The Essential HR Justification Form

by Wendy Carley

Dear ___

a) acquaintance
b) friend
c) non-HR heathen

I know you've been asking why ___

a) I'm a hopeless romantic
b) I am obsessed with the love lives of cartoon characters
c) I refuse to get a life

So, I think it's time to explain ___

a) my HR beliefs
b) how I know Jonny and Jessie are meant for each other.
c) why I'm certain that Jessie and Jonny will fall in love, get married in a
   beautiful outdoor ceremony, have a brief but romantic honeymoon in the
   Caribbean, both pursue challenging and rewarding careers, have two
   adorable children (yes, I've picked out their names), live a life filled 
   with happiness and love and . . .

There are many things that make me feel Jessie and Jonny are destined to
be together.  For example ___

a) the kiss in "Ghost Quest"
b) the "She's pretty cool line" from "Expedition to Khumbu"
c) "Jessie" starts with "J".  "Jonny" starts with "J".  "Justification Form" 
   starts with "J".  This can't just be a coincidence!!

And I can't overlook ___

a) all the furtive glances Jonny and Jessie cast at each other
b) how often Jessie and Jonny run to rescue each other
c) the fact that I just know it's true.  Why do you need empirical evidence?
   Who do you think you are, Dr. Quest??  Just trust me on this one.

Not to mention the fact that the Hopeless Romantics Auxiliary ___

a) has tons of evidence of a Jonny/Jessie relationship
b) is convinced that Jonny and Jessie will fall in love
c) is growing in numbers everyday.  You can't run.  You can't hide.  We will
   convert you.  We will take over the world!!! . . . Um, sorry about that.  
   Ha, just a little joke.

Of course, I most easily make HR interpretations after I watch ___

a) "Ghost Quest"
b) any episode with Jessie and Jonny
c) even the episodes without Jessie.  Sometimes when she's not there, Jonny
   just looks lonely and sad.  I know he must be missing Jessie.

Okay, I may have ___

a) watched every episode a million times, trying to find any shred of HR
b) read all the HR fanfic I can get my hands on
c) tattooed "J&J 4EVER" on numerous parts of my body

*I do not think I am TOTALLY obsessed with the notion of Jonny-loves-Jessie 
simply because ___

a) I bought the Jonny and Jessie figurine package and made wedding outfits 
   for them.
b) I have a habit of saying, when referring to her, "Jessie Quest...er, 
   Bannon...er, you know who I mean."
c) I gloat over the revelation that the Jessie Que---er, Bannon character 
   was created as a romantic interest for Jonny.
d) when someone says Jessie likes Hadji, I attack him or her, screaming, 
   "Die, heretic, die!"

I'm aware that some JQ fans feel there is nothing in the show to suggest a
romantic relationship between Jonny and Jessie.  To those people I have to
say ___

a) Remember the hug at the end of "Ice Will Burn"?
b) See the way Jonny clutches Jessie during "The Robot Spies".
c) What?  Are you crazy??  Have you ever really watched the show???

I have even heard that some people think that Jessie and Hadji might be
romantically linked.  My only response is ___

a) Neela could have meant anything by that "feel more than you realize"
   remark from "The Bangalore Falcon"
b) Jessie was just concerned about Hadji during "Eclipse".  She was not
c) No.  Nooo!   NOOOOOOOOO!!!  I mean, I like Hadji.  I have nothing
   against him, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I hope that you will ___

a) understand why I'm a HR
b) join the ever-growing ranks of the HRA
c) remove that restraining order against me


a) Love
b) Love and Kisses
c) Love and Kisses and the Eternal Bliss that comes from knowing Jonny and 
   Jessie are soul mates


a) A Hopeless Romantic
b) A Really Hopeless Romantic
c) A SO Totally Hopeless That It Borders on the Pathetic Romantic

* Contributed by Alyce Fae Dixon.  Thanks Alyce!!!

© 1997 Wendy Carley

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The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest and all characters, logos, and likenesses therein, are trademarks of and copyrighted by Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc., and Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc., a Turner company. No copyright infringement is intended by their use on this page. I and this page are in no way affiliated with, approved of or endorsed by Hanna Barbera or Turner Productions. This page is created by a fan for other fans out of love and respect for the show, and is strictly a non-profit endeavor.

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A WinnieWorks Production
Created August 11, 1997

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