SmallPOX '98

[SmallPOX '98 gif]

Location & Directions

SmallPOX '98 is being held at the National Library of Canada at 395 Wellington Street, at the top of Bay Street, in Ottawa from 10am 'til 5pm on Saturday, July 4th, 1998.

The National Library of Canada, which inherited the responsibilities of collecting, preserving and promoting the published heritage of the nation from the Library of Parliament through an act of the Canadian Parliament in 1953, stands atop the natural summit skirting the Ottawa River which hosts such other prominant institutions as the Supreme Court of Canada and the Canadian House of Commons. (yeesh, how's that for a run-on sentence...)

More about the National Library of Canada / More about Ottawa

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Last updated 04/02/1998. (c)S.Bourne. Email SmallPOX