
Advertise in PartyPooper!

PartyPooper! Ottawa's Own Indie Reviews Freebie Fanzine is expanding to now include Classified Ads, starting with the Paper Version of PartyPooper! Issue #9!

For only 5 cents a word [5 cents CDN/US or 5 pence UK elsewhere,] you can now place your own original classified ad in the pages of what we believe is one of Canada's BEST reviews sources: PartyPooper!

Simply type or clearly write out your Classified Ad text, count up the number of words (hyphenated words count as 2 words, Email or Website address strings count as 1 word,) and multiply that sum by 5 cents CDN if you live in Canada, 5 cents US if you live in the USA or Mexico, or 5 pence UK if you live in the UK or elsewhere (currency exchange equivalent is accepted.) Then mail your text only Classified Ad along with your domestic or non-Canadian cheque or cash payable to Stephen Bourne to: P.O.Box 153, Station B, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6C4 Canada.

Run your 20-word Classified Ad for only ONE DOLLAR!!

PLUS, you can run your Classified Ad in as many consecutive issues of PartyPooper! as you want! Simply multiply the total cost of running your text ad in one issue and multiply that by how many Paper Version issues of PartyPooper! you want it to appear in, and send that amount with your Classified Ad to the same address. It's that simple!

PartyPooper! is published on a semi-quarterly basis, featuring between twenty and twenty-five original reviews of self-published and small press comix, zines and chapbooks from around the corner, across the borders and throughout the planet, presented in an entirely hand-rendered format and written from a uniquely Canadian viewpoint. Along with a detailed description of submitted and purchased material, each review also includes production specs (dimensions, number of pages,) complete mailorder information, Email or Website addresses (if applicable,) AND a reduced black and white reprint of each book's cover! And now, starting with Issue #9, it also includes Classified Ads!

At only 5 cents a word, why not make it YOUR CLASSIFIED AD? PartyPooper! is also Online, with the easy-to-use website featuring the most recent backissue of the popular Paper Version, which has already been made available at indie-friendly shops in Canada, the USA, England, Europe and Australia! Now, starting with Issue #9, PartyPooper! Online! will feature the Classified Ads featured in every Paper version backissue converted to html coding for text-based Worldwide Web access at no cost to readers OR Classified Ad submitters! Beauty, eh?

Got any questions about PartyPooper! or the new Classified Ads (only 5 cents a word)? Email me.

Classified Ads submitters will not receive a complimentary copy of the Paper Version issue their ads run in. Sorry.



text (c)Sept.1997 by Stephen Bourne