Declaration of the Báb Maze

A "Raising Spiritual Children Project" Project

An idea for a little game for the kids. I created this simple maze when my oldest daughter was very young.

Maze Example

In the center of a regular sheet of paper draw a small picture (or use a small photocopy) of the House of the Bab. Make a circle around it using pencil and a compass. Then make equally spaced concentric circles around the first one until you reach the margins of the paper. Plan a path from the outside of the circle to the center and place little "walls" within the paths and erase little pathways in the circles themselves. When you are happy with the path (not too easy, not too hard) go over all the lines in ink and erase the pencil.

At the opening of the maze draw an archway and label it "Shiraz". At the top of the page write "Help Mulla Husayn find the House of the Bab"

If you don't want to construct a new maze, you can use mine or an existing children's maze, copy it, and change the illustrations as described above.

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