Past "Food for the Spirit" Projects

*Letter (A Simple Idea):  Write a Letter to the Divine (a bit more than your everyday letter)

*Consultation:   A Skills Development Workshop Based on the Bahá'í Writings Prepared by Janice Smith. "Consultation is both a form of group decision making and an educational strategy prescribed in the Bahá'í Writings. It can be used by families, businesses, civic organizations -- any group of two or more -- to take maximum advantage of diverse points of view and to create group solidarity and unity of purpose."

*Virtues and Attributes Exercises for Individuals or Groups: The goal of these activities is to practice recognizing in others the virtues and attributes of God.

*It's in the Cards! Gifts for the Spirit from the Spirit


*How to Improve Difficult Relationships: Exercise by Ronald Tomanio. I call it "Five Days to Calmer Seas."

*Increasing the Faculty of Inner Vision: Another exercise by Ronald Tomanio. "Imagine going through life with one arm tied behind your back. Every once in a while you untie the unused arm and use it for a minute, then quickly tie it back up again. As you can image, this is not very efficient. Just as we have two arms to work with, we have two ways of comprehending, but we have been trained in the use of only one."

*The Spirit of Faith: Exercise by Ronald Tomanio. Start by making a simple list and grow from there!

*Purpose: Exercise by Ronald Tomanio. Become motivated by a clear, consistent spiritual purpose to be a servant of God.

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