1999 december

1999 december

5 december 1999

hi mom,

thanks for the nice note. glad you enjoyed the
park. i have a postcard someone sent me on my
refrigerator of the bridge at that park at nite
with xmas lights on it.
honolulu had its festival of lights parade last
nite also. (i hid inside my house but saw it on the news.)

my day is just beginning. i've been up
since 11am but my work day starts at 1030pm
till 6am. it's 808pm here now. i'm just back
from the natural foods store where i got some
snacks because the vending machines at work
are killing me with chemicals. working nites is good because one has more
time, but it makes one want to snack. but at
least i have time to read a bit.

i could yak all nite but i've got to start
getting ready to go. i still have coffee to
grind for my espresso break at lunch (2:30am)
and green tea to make.

i've become a green tea-aholic. i was buying
it in teabags but i drink so much of it i
started buying it in bulk at the co-op.
it's one of my latest obsessions.

happy hanukkah to everyone,

17 december 1999 friday

every time i have time to take a look around its
another two weeks have passed. time is
definitely moving faster. the speed of light
is increasing and i can feel myself growing
older by the minute.

i'm pretty much working late afternoons and
nites and overnites for the rest of the
century. i got my schedule and it looks like
i'm going to be plugged in to the grid at
operator services at the time of meltdown.

that will be a fun new year's eve. i hope we
survive till then at least. it will be a
moment to remember. everyone on the planet
is going to pick up their phone to see if the
lines are dead and that will surely cause
gridlock, when everyone picks up the phone at
the same moment. so we are in for a disaster,
it should be a fun time for all to be had.

18 december 1999 saturday

alas, poor urik.

only a few more days till the end of the world.

the terrorists try to escape.

they have nowhere to go.

22 december 1999 wednesday

digital solstitial luna

the moon is even bigger this moonth than it was
before. it's very close to our planet
tonite. any closer and it would bounce off.

read all about it at the almanac site--but wait--not yet.
there's still more fun stuff to read here

i was gonna do a daily countdown till the end
of the world--er--millennium. but i decided
not to because everyone else on the planet
is doing it. that's no fun.

25 december 1999 saturday

holy jesus 2000 , it's xmas 1999!

bless this mess.
and buy me a mercedez benz....

(six more days till the end of the world.)

27 december 1999 monday

"The dog-sucked bones of Jezebel may be the
skeleton that bangs its knobs in the closet
of our race."

--tom robbins (skinny legs & all)

an old quote i found.

i'm finally about to finish editing the
digital draft of asylum at the moment. i'm
trying to finish it and get it transferred to
my ebook before y2k gets here. it's one piece
of writing i really don't want to lose and don't have time to hardcopy.

it's what i'm working on now between bouts of
chess and going to work.

isn't that krazy?

28 december 1999 tuesday

when i was learning to read, as a young child,
my vocabularial confidence growing, i
finally worked up the courage to completely
read, from beginning to end, the book i had
always known, but not been able to discover
its secrets, because i was illiterate. its
exact title i've forgotten, but the book
was about, "the adventures of the lone ranger
and tonto."

i remember a scene in the book with an
illustration. it was the lone ranger pulling
tonto out of the quicksand with his trusty

my father said it was the first book he ever
read. i probably teethed on it as a baby. it
was old, worn, falling apart hardbound red,
very read book, it's spine covered with old
yellowed sticky clear tape to keep it together
just a bit longer.

i succeeded in reading it with no problems at
all. i was so proud and honored to know the
lone ranger and tonto so intimately. and i
was very proud that it was the first full-
length novel i read, and the very same one as
my father's first.

i had of course seen many episodes of the 1950s
tv series with jay silverheels as tonto
and clayton moore as kimosabe. so when i
read about the lone ranger i automatically
pictured clayton moore as the masked man.

clayton moore died today.

almost but not quite a twenty-first century guy.

30 december 1999 thursday

dear mom and dad,

happy happy,

in regards to your previous email i'm glad
grandma has her cigarettes, she deserves them
after surviving all she's survived and
still smokin'. tell her she makes me proud
and have a puff on me. hah.

at midnite december 31, 1999 i'm going to be
safe and sound in long-distance operatorland.
i'm happy to be there. maybe by that time
some of the smoke will be starting to clear
up here in chinatown. new year's here is
like world war. i wrote in this journal
about it last year ago and today a friend
forwarded me a news story about it saying the
problems are only increasing.

life in the big city.

remember the disco days when everybody
wiggled and prince partied like it was 1999?
well, he's really gonna do it tomorrow on pay
per view tv. he's gonna have a live televised
concert partying like its 1999, and but
and, what's that called? history imitating
art repeating itself? or maybe just armageddon.
after working new year's eve i work all nite
the first and then i have nine days off.

what to do what to do....

if i survive the fireworks.


31 december 1999 friday

its gonna be a non-event.

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