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~Names can be a pain on the web, ~

Hillbillies are known for their odd names! It's a fact.
We have females with names like, Johnnie Faye, Johnny Sue, Billie Sue, Bobbie Jo, Sammy Jo, and Frankie Dan, to name just a few. All the names listed were actually school class mates of mine.  In the hills of Tennessee it didn't matter as we grew up. We all had names like that, and we knew each other. Girls wore dresses and long hair, and boys wore jeans and short hair.

My father, an avid reader, named me after  the heroine, Sammy Lane,  in Shepherd Of The Hills, a novel by Harold Bell Wright, an ailing minister-author who traveled to the Ozarks for his health.  Bell discovered much more than he sought in the hill country.  As he regained his strength in the healthful, peaceful atmosphere, he began writing a manuscript which would become the fourth most widely-read book in publishing history.  It would also spark a nationwide interest and bring the first wave of tourism into the Missouri Ozarks.

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My grandfather wanted my parents to name me Nancy.
They instead named me Sammy Lane, and he,  being a stubborn man called me Nancy until his death when I was nineteen years old.  All the children , even my cousins who lived in my grandpa's community called me Nancy too. Truthfully, I preferred grandpa's choice rather that some Ozark mountain girl's name.

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After I got on the internet, I typed my name  in the search engines and realized I would never be found, even on Real Names as Sammy Lane popped up with thousands of entries, all of them about the Ozark Mountain girl.  The Name also caused confusion to my gender.  We can't see our net friends and judge a person's sex by their name.  I decided to use my nickname of Nancy, and took the screen name of Nancylane. "Grandpa would be proud"

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