Loverich ( Tom Liebrich ) Creations: Instant Project Alert

[ Special Limited Time Offer!!!: A fully designed company logo for $250! Animated in 3-D for the web: $300 !! ]

Please fill out the information below completely. Be sure to fill out your contact information as well, so that I can get back in touch with you...Thanks! : )
Your name:

Your E-mail address:

What city/state/country are you located in?

Do you prefer to be contacted by phone immediately? If so,please enter the phone number:

What type of work would you like me to do for you?:

Do you have any existing graphics you will need to send to me, for use in the job?:

if so, please type the URL in here: Or,click here and send it as an e-mail attachment.Any image format will do.

It will help me to better serve you, if you describe in as much detail as possible what type of work you need done...Tell me what you WANT, as well as what you do NOT want, concerning the job. Also include any parameters, such as dimensions, colors, etc;...Please do not be hesitant about asking me questions!

What is the deadline!?!?! I need an exact date from you, so that I can better serve your needs! : )

Do you agree to pay for at least half of the project in advance, to for faster turnaround time?:

How did you find me?
Word of mouth
search engine
randomly surfed in

This job is for:

I should be able to,in most cases reply to you within 36, tops, with a variety of thumbnails for you to consider! Thanks, once again!...-Tom

Please hit "Submit" only once. I do not have a "cgi script" which means, it will seem as though nothing happened after you did that (even though your info is already on the way to me); to return to the beginning page hit your browser's "back" button, or click below ! Have a great day!

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