Part of Shades of Gray By Me and my secret-psychic-sister Krista.
Will write for feedback!

Two Days Before

Right now, everyone is amazed at how calm I seem given the fact I'll be married in two days. But they're only seeing the outside. Ever since we developed our bond, Angelo and I have turned very introverted. It's because we're spendin' time in each others head, seeing through the other's eyes, sometimes switching places almost completely. I can't help it, our minds have suddenly become a big playground, there's so much to do and to think about and to see and feel. I may act calm on the outside, but on the inside I'm an excited but not nervous at all. My stupid grin is the only visible sign of my feelings.

Mom and Dad, Brandon and Blaine are here, staying in some guest cottages near the rec. cottage. Unfortunately Mom and Dad are more or less reclusive, as much as I hate to admit it, I think they're fairly bigoted toward mutants. They plead exhaustion from the trip, but I know them better.

The twins, on the other hand, have been great. They'd already met Jono, who is the biggest shocker on campus, so they didn't have much to worry about. Brandon pretty much hit it off with Ev, I don't know what they have in common, but apparently enough for a good friendship. Blaine has politely hit on Monet for most of the time, probably to my parents dismay. There goes the "pure" human family line, or so they think. Knowing M, Blaine won't get to far.

Mom and Dad are very...leery of Angelo. They were dancing on egg-shells the entire time they were with him, when I introduced him. I talked with Jubilee about it, and she summed it up with "Well, ya know...they knew he knew they don't like mutants, and they knew he knew that they didn't like the looks of him." Something like that anyway.

I think Daddy's asked me thirty times if I was doing the right thing, if this is what I really wanted. I was very tempted to tell him "yes" telepathically, because he would know then, you can tell the truth mind-to-mind. But I didn't, because he would think I was flaunting my powers in his face. But it is hard for me, because I know without a shadow of a doubt this is the right thing. It's also the only thing. I'm bonded with Angelo, I couldn't leave him if I tried; which used to scare me, but I know the reverse is true and that's reassuring.

Thankfully, Kris and Beth will be here tomorrow. Apparently, Kris is over his hesitancy toward Angelo, it was sort of a test or something. Beth told me last night that Kris seemed happy for us. She said he hadn't said anything negative about it at all. And that's a relief, Kris' opinion means a lot to me, more so than my parents I think...maybe because he's a mutant too, and I know we're on the same level, he doesn't think he's any better than me. Kris will go a long way in calming my parents, they don't think of him as a mutant really, it's like he's family and that makes his mutancy all right. That same family-love extends to Beth, but not to Angelo. That's too bad.

I really should get out of bed, but I'd really like to stay in my own little bubble of happiness. And there's nothing to do! I imagined that two days before my own wedding, I'd be frazzled and scrambling around to get things done on time, but I'm not. Everything seems to be well under control, Emma's people are the ones scurrying around to get things done. But even they seem calm, maybe scurrying isn't the right word. Dad wasn't too thrilled with Emma doing so much, but he didn't say anything to stop her.

And speaking of things Dad isn't thrilled about, he's not happy with the fact it will be such a small wedding, he wants all of his friends and family there. I've said firmly multiple times that only people who can accept Angelo and me as mutants can come. Which has limited the wedding list greatly. My paternal grandmother can't come, we never told her I was a mutant because she's so old and sick and prejudiced she'd probably have a heart attack if she found out.

So the guest list is mainly close family friends and X-Folk, and though I don't know most of them, they're a pretty social bunch and are probably coming just as a big X-Get-together. I don't mind. We are, however, going to take a few wedding pictures with image inducers on. Angelo suggested it. That way, Mom and Dad can have some "respectable" pictures to show all of their bigot friends. And the fact is, it doesn't even bother me. They can play games and pretend I'm not a mutant all they want, it doesn't change a thing. Ange said there would be more questions asked if Mom and Dad never showed anyone their daughter's wedding pictures.

I'm getting out of bed now, it's nearly eleven. I stretch and walk to my closet, pull out a pair of jeans and a ribbed tank, then head to the bathroom. The best part about waking up late, besides the extra sleep, of course, is having the bathroom entirely to yourself. I shower quickly, ice-up, de-ice and dress.

I swing by my room to grab a claw for my hair. While I'm putting it on, I hear someone shouting outside. I walk to my window, pull it open and look outside. Jubilee.

"What?" I call down to her.

"Bout time ya woke up, Popsicle. That was just a wake-up call."

"Thanks!" I grin down at her. "But I've been awake for a while, just layin' around."

"Well, come on down, okay? I wanna see ya some before ya go off and get married!"

I felt a pang of guilt, I'm so quiet now, sometimes I don't really even notice where I am; just lost in thought. But she doesn't complain. I told her about the bond Angelo and I share. She has been so understanding. And she is my best friend. "I'm sorry!" I call sincerely. "I'm comin' right now!"

I open the window all of the way and climb out onto the ledge. I ice up and act like I'm on a diving board. I jump, spread my arms wide and fall for a bit, then pull into a ball and flip twice before uncurling into a dive. I liquefy an instant before I hit the ground, splashing high into the air. I'm vaguely aware of Jubilee yelling, "'s a ten!"

I pool together and then solidify. "Ta-da!"

"You are such a show-off, Ison."

"Don't even start, Jubilee. You are a gymnast at heart and so much better than me, I put a lot o' work into that dive and you could do it in your sleep."

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, well, yeah...but I'd break my neck when I hit the ground."

I laughed and linked arms with her. "Okay buddypal, where to?"

She snorted. "Rec. cottage, where else?"


When we got there, surprisingly it was vacant. She flopped on the couch and I went to the stereo and turned on the radio.

"Guess what?" I asked on my way to the couch.


"I'm getting married in two days!" I jumped on the couch and tucked a pillow up under my chin.

"Really?" she asked unenthusiastically. "Hey, is this the way you feel about my X-Men stories?"

"Best analogy I've heard yet." I grinned at her. "But don't pretend you're not excited about this wedding, I know you practically wear your bridesmaid dress to sleep."

"Oh hush, and you haven't stood in your gown staring in a mirror?"

"Truce!" I pleaded.

Just then, Ev came runnin' through the door. "J! There ya are. Did you forget about---"

"Ohmigosh, Ev't, I'm like totally sorry! I had no idea it was already noon!" She turned to me apologetically. "See...we were gonna go to the mall--"

"Go! Don't worry about it, J." I smiled, "I'll forgive ya if ya buy me something."

"Okay, I will," she said with a falsetto.

Almost as soon as they left, Angelo came in the back door.

"My lady awakes!" he exclaimed with mock surprise.

"I'll have you know I've been awake for nearly....half an hour," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Like I didn't know."

I grinned. "Let me tell you, it's hard to sleep when you're runnin' around the biosphere with Jonothon. Every time you jump over something, I felt like I was fallin' out of bed."

"Well, it's hard to fight your best when you have an uncontrollable urge to doze off..." He crawled on the couch beside me and grabbed my sides. I yelped in surprise and he pulled me to him.

"!" I said between giggles.

He only chuckled, probably because he could faintly feel what he was doing to me, but continued tickling me, then reached to the coffee table and took the remote.

"No!" I protested. "You can't surf, you are so slow!"

In response, he raised the clicker above his head and continued to "surf", which was actually more like dog-paddling, he stopped on every channel, even if there was a commercial and waited to see what show was on. I strained across him and tried to take the clicker from him, but his arms were much longer than mine and I couldn't reach.

When I raised my arm up to try and take the remote, he tickled me again, starting a whole new bout of giggles from me. Three channels later, I was gasping for breath as he continued to tickle my sides. "I'll use my powers!" I panted, all but pleading for him to stop. "Angelo!"

My stomach hurt from laughing so hard, now I was simply shaking with silent laughter. Now the TV was on "The Frugal Gourmet".

"Ange! Don't stop there!" I gasped, finally using my ice powers to escape his grasp. I grinned and sat up on the couch, stretching. I rolled my neck a bit...and saw Blaine standing in the hallway. When he saw me, he turned around and went the other way. I sighed, exasperated.

Wonderful... "Be right back," I told Angelo, then jumped over the back of the couch and followed Blaine down the hall.

"Hey! Blaine!" I called. "Where're ya goin'"?

He was blushing and stuttered a bit. "I, uh..."

"I take it you heard everything, huh?" I offered.

"Uh, yeah."

"Blaine, I promise you that nothing like that went on in there," I said solemnly. "Nothing was going to happen, either. He was channel surfing, and every time I tried to grab the remote, he'd tickle me. And I didn't want him to stop at that program, I hate that guy. That's all that happened. Really."

Blaine looked at me a bit skeptically. "Okay..."

That does seem pretty corny... I decided to shoot him straight. "Blaine, Ange and I have been dating for two years now, and believe me when I say there have been plenty of opportunities we could've fooled around. But we've waited this long already, why mess things up now?" I raised my brows at him.

"I believe you, sis," he responded. The corner of his mouth twitched up a bit. "But you have to admit, it sounded awfully...

"Steamy?" I finished.

"'Oh, Angelo, don't stop,' pant, pant!" he pantomimed, laughing at me.

I gave him a look. "Ha, ha,"

He grinned. "Just be glad it was me who walked in on ya, and not Ma or Dad." He pretended to punch me on the arm playfully.

"Or Kris," I added in all seriousness.

Blaine scrunched up his face as he contemplated this. "Eeuch, good point," he agreed. "I still remember the time he walked in on me and Suzy makin' out. Hooo, boy." He grinned again and winked at me.


"You have no idea."

"Ha! Well, to be honest, I never understood what you saw in her, anyway," I teased. "She was so dumb."

"Okay, so she wasn't smart," Blaine admitted. "But at least she was a looker--"

I stiffened up. "You don't want to go there, Blaine," I snapped in a hurt voice. "Angelo may not exactly be Tom Cruise, but I happen to find him very attractive."

Blaine looked startled. "That's not what I meant, Summer," he objected, laying a hand on my shoulder.

I didn't say anything. It didn't help that the defensive feelings were coming from Angelo. He was determined to believe Blaine didn't like him.

"Okay, I'll be honest with you," Blaine said. "I didn't like him at first, didn't think he was good enough for you. But once I got to know him a bit better, I realized he's a great guy." He smiled. "I can see why you love him. And it's obvious he's nuts about you."

I tried to smile back. "I just wish Momma and Dad could see him the same way you do," I said quietly.

"Once they see how happy you are and how good you are together, they'll come around, Summer. Just give them a little time."

"Yeah, you're probably right. But it's probably gonna take something major for that to happen," I said pessimistically. "Even better, I can't wait for our first big family reunion."

"You're ever the optimist," Blaine said, rolling his eyes.

Angelo stepped out into the hallway.

"Hey babe," I said aloud.

"I was just checkin' on ya...You feel a little upset. (And you're blocking yourself from me.)"

"No, fine," I told him. "Blaine and I were just talking." I grinned. "About you, of course," I teased.

He smiled. "Okay, s'long as you're all right." He retreated back to the television.

"'You feel a bit nervous'?" Blaine asked suspiciously.

I couldn't help but smile, "Yeah. Ya know how I have some telepathy? Well, when I use it with other mutants they can respond in the same way. Since Angelo and I are so close...we have this link, sort of. We can sense each other, know what the other is feeling. It's like sharing a brain."

I think Blaine didn't know what to think about that. "I bet that makes lying to each other hard."

I laughed. "Yeah, so we gave up on it. In the beginning, right before I came home, we both tried to get away with it some because we didn't understand our just hurt both of us, you saw that much. Now things are a lot smoother, more natural."

"That is too weird," he commented. "Well, um, listen. I was going to go find Brandon, so I'll catch ya later."

"Okay." He and Brandon were so close, I was amazed they didn't have some sort of telepathic link.

I smiled and went back to the couch. I tried in vain to snatch the remote away, but of course, it would be like trying to steal something from myself.

He grabbed me and started to tickle again.

"Stop!" I shrieked. "Gimmie the remote..."


I giggled, twisting backward. His arms were still around me and I ended up pulling him down on top of me.

We just laid there for a minute, neither of us saying anything, but just gazing into each other's eyes. Angelo leaned down and kissed me, then cuddled next to me on the sofa. We lay there contentedly, me wrapped securely in his arms, watching the TV.

Angelo relinquished control of the remote and gave it to me. I flipped to the movie channel.

"This all right with you?" I asked.

"Sure, fine, I don't mind," he mumbled, pulling me a little closer. He reached up and tangled his fingers in my hair.

I heard Mom's voice. "Summer, are you in here?" She stopped as she came around to the other side of the couch and saw us.

I honestly don't think I'd ever seen Angelo move so fast. Not even in training or a battle. His skin slackened around me and snapped taut so fast you would have thought he had been holding fire. Maybe in a way...

I was determined not to act like a little girl caught kissing a boy. For heaven's sake he's my fiancé! We're going to be married in less than 48 hours! I can snuggle with him and love on him all I want!

Repressing my frustration, I sat up and twisted around to face her. I forced a smile that probably looked half-convincing.

"Hey Momma!" Not gonna be mean, not gonna be mean. Not gonna be "scared" either.

Unsurprisingly, she looked flustered. She opened her mouth, shut it, opened it again.

"May I talk with you for a moment, honey?" she stammered.

("Be right back, love,") I sent to Angelo. I wasn't going to make the situation any more awkward by trying to talk with her in front of Angelo, so I stood and walked out of the room with her. I opened my mind to Angelo all the way; I knew he would want to know what we said.

We went outside and sat on the steps.

"I don't like that man," she stated flatly.

"I know, Momma, everyone on campus knows."

She looked down. "Sweetie, I see the way he looks at you!"

"Like a guy in love?" I interrupted.

She ignored me. "He just wants to...get his hand on you, or whatever it is he does."

I glared. "Mother."

"Honey, I am forty-eight years old and I have seen my share of men. How can you let him touch you like that?"

I put my head in my hands. "Oh, Momma. How could I not let him? For him, that's like holding hands, or something. His powers let him have so much more contact than anyone can imagine, and it would be stupid for him to not use his powers. He needs it, ya know?"

I realized how stupid it sounded, but it was true. A year of Mutant Science had taught me that. Ange's powers had made him a very tactile person, his sense of touch became his dominant sense and he needed to use it. But it did sound like some kinky excuse or something.

"No wait-" I stopped her. "I know that doesn't sound right. I can't help that, but it's true. Mother, I want you to know, Angelo and I are not sleeping together. We never have."

She sighed. "It is good to hear that from you, sweetie."

It seemed almost ironic. She was hurting my heart with all of her negative statements about Angelo, yet she kept calling me loving pet names.

"What did you want, Momma?"

"I just wanted to let you know that Beth and Kris are here."

A part of Shades of Gray

Feedback: we love it. Please send any feedback to Me or Krista (or both! Just click on the mailbox!).

Kris to the Rescue
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