Vincent Van Gogh

Van Gogh is considered one of the greatest artist that has ever put brush to paint and paint to canvas. His influence on modern art and the expressionism of it is undeniable.
    Born on March 30,1853 to Reverend Theodorus van Gogh and Anna Carbentus. Vincent had five siblings, Anna, Theodorus, Elisabeth, Wilhelmina and Cornelius. In 1869 at the age of 16 Vincent went to apprentice at Goupil and Company Art Gallery as a clerk. Theodorus becomes an important part of Vincent's life and at the age of 19 he starts a lifetime correspondence with his brother.
    In 1873 Vincent gets transferred to Goupil's London Gallery. At this time Vincent finds many things that interest him, one being religion. He gets transferred once again in 1875 to Goupil's Paris branch. This is where Vincent gets his first taste of love. He fell obsessively in love with his landlady's daughter. She rejected him and it had such an affect on him that he was dismissed from his job.
 In 1876 Vincent returns to London. He takes an unpaid assistants job at a school. His desire to serve his fellow man and his interest in religion begins his training for the ministry. But, in 1878 his quits his studies and goes to Belgium. Vincent becomes a Pastor for the poor miners of Borinage. To show his enthusiastic devotion he gave the poor all his possessions. He stayed in Belgium living in poverty until 1880. At this time he realizes that art was his way to spiritual satisfaction.
  Vincent moved to the Netherlands in 1881 and stayed till 1885. He remained very close to his brother Theo and during his poverty in the Netherlands, Theo would send Vincent money. At this time Vincent's art was still inspired by his benevolent love of man. You can see this in his work by such paintings as The Potato Eaters. In one of his letters to Theo he writes: "I have tried to emphasize that those people, eating their potato's in the lamp-light have dug the earth with those very hands they put in the dish, and so it speaks of manual labor, and how they have honestly earned their food."
    In 1885 Vincent moved to Antwerp. For several months he studies at an Academy. Vincent had such an independent spirit that I don't think this had much affect on the ways of his paintings. At this time he decides to move back to Paris.
    In Paris his painting went through a dramatic change. He started to use the uses of color differently and wrote : "Instead of trying to reproduce exactly what I have before my eyes, I use color more arbitrarily so as to express myself more forcibly." At this time in Paris he met many other great artist such as Degas, Gauguin Pissarro, Seurat, and Toulouse-Lautrec.
 In 1888 Vincent moved to Arles. The incident of when he cut off his left ear happened then. Gauguin had moved to Arles. Vincent and Gauguin had gotten into an argument and this is when the famous ear cutting happened. Also at this time, he was going through depression and started having hallucinations. In 1889 he went to an asylum on his own free will. At the asylum he painted such great works as Starry Night. He painted over 150 paintings while at the asylum and in my opinion are some of his best.
    In 1890 Vincent moved to Auvers-sur-Oise to be near Theo, who had gotten married the year before. His depression became so overwhelming that in July of  1890 he shot himself and died. During the last 70 days of his life he painted 70 paintings. During his life time he only sold one painting, Red Vineyard at Arles. But, after his death many people became interested in his work and appreciated it.

*All artwork is copyright of the owner/owners or artist.*