John Kane - 02/01/00 23:30:33
My Email:j_kane@hotmail.com

You site is gorgeous and so are you. You draw, paint and look like an artist. I wish you a lot of success and I hope to meet you someday.

David - 01/03/00 18:35:16
My Email:madewei@hotmail.com

Hey Sharon, I dig your site! Shiwon hae! David

Alan - 11/04/99 14:11:03
My Email:YoBoSayYo@hotmail.com

nice lay out. I only wish on the art work you could clik on them to get a biger view. I am an self proclamed artist my self and i love art work..

jai - 10/12/99 16:18:06

good job

Dennis Chun - 04/23/99 19:51:21
My Email:dennito@erols.com

Hey Sharon, It's great to see someone supporting and displaying Korean art on their Web site. I'd love to see some more samples and links to other Korean art sites. Keep up the great work!

Benjamin - 04/05/99 18:21:59
My Email:Benjamin0311@hotbot.com

Hey whats up I like your art. where are you from? Im from Cali, Im 19 and I think Korean girls are the finest! hankukmal bae umnida hankukmal un oryowoyo. E-mail me sometime and say what up. Lates!

Benjamin - 04/05/99 18:20:14
My Email:Benjamin0311@hotbot.com

Hey whats up I like your art. where are you from? Im from Cali, Im 19 and I think Korean girls are the finest! hankukmal bae umnida hankukmal un oryowoyo. E-mail me sometime and say what up. Lates!

Kara Townsend - 06/28/98 15:43:54
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)

Skatterkat - 04/17/98 00:19:10
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Cafe/7407
My Email:skatterkat@hotmail.com


Well, it looks as though I'm the first person to sign your guestbook. I really liked your gallery, and I liked the Korean Art Section. However, the tiger and the magpie thing depressed me, because of the part about Siberian tigers. Anyway, I was jus checking out the neighborhood, thought I'd see what was around. Keep up the good work!!

Sharon - 04/15/98 15:33:32

Please leave a message for me.^^

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