Black coffee
Is a reflection of what I get
When what I want is cream
Cinnamon - sensuous
Taste-buds crying for their fill
Leisurely luxury - a good book,
A sunny nook, a coffee from
Heaven - Irish Cream.

Who skimmed the pleasure
from Life. Made the
skimpy acceptable.
To whom do I address
the blame for this
Empty my cup - I won't drink
What you think is
Warming, when all it is
Is devoid.


O magical day
Like none before now dawned
Day preceded by God's mysteries
Moon-lit rainbow through the mist
Hangs over the sea
Startling; the sign out of place
Placed by the One
Who delights in our surprise.

Out of place, the lone butterfly
Summer wings in winter's hold
The pattern a stranger
Who knows but that you might be
Alone of your kind
Special edition; a wonder to ponder.

O magical day
Like none before now dawned
The third gift you must lay at my feet
To make complete the rhythm.
What else can I conceive that you would bring?
Do I choose a sign in the sky,
Or a wonder on the earth?

The delight I choose
That I too, out of place
Choose to face you
O magical day


It’s over
We grew unfair one to the other
Didn’t want it fixed
The reluctance to find
Tiny pinches of love
Growing to replace the clouds
Slipping quiet away
The pattern no longer fits the subject
Companions now uncoupled.

I turn to you
Hold out my only true possession
But the distance slurs the gift
And in your reluctance
You discard the monster of need you created.
I sigh.
Pack my passions away on a high shelf
Waiting for an unshabby day
And I remain resigned to destiny.


Of course I'm sad
Don't you realise?
Everything I know
Is turning off.
Wouldn't that leave you
Just a little shaken
A little blue
Around the edges?
Let me curl into you a while
I can take the weight on my shoulders
When you are whispering my name
It's the days that you are silent
Which engulf me  :-(

Why do I miss you?
You who I do not know.
	I - intent on staying untangled
		You - fascinated by shadows
	I - open my hands
		You - fly free of me
And what I don't want
Draws me so strong

I peek through my fingers
A small child
Scared to look but
Scared not to know

Stand apart, Stand back
So I can get a good look at you