On a snug autumn day I recollect
in happiness the reminiscence of the old friends
Hoping our autumn day of life will be tinted gracefully

On an Autumn day

Dear friend !

Into my living room ripe persimmon colored sun beam showers,
Against mountain decorated with splendid red and golden leaves,
With a few fleeces of white cloud in the blue sky.

What are these whispering me in silent tone ?
I will entrust these all to my master.
That is the arena of holy God.

I simply thank God allowing me to rest here
By sunny window, on a chair snug like his breast
Just thinking of you, old friend.

Now I reminisce our days bygone and pray for your happiness
and in my heart new love and thank come up,
In bliss having shared so much pleasure and dreams.

In my memory you're still romping like a child
and I won't worry about some of your arthritis. :-)
In blessings now I've forgotten all ailing words...

In tomorrow days also
there will be bliss in cosiness of white winter
harvesting cherished memory of our friendship.

Looking snow flakes out of window thru which we romped,
Reminiscing the youth days we made footprint together.
As said "Beautiful the old are works of art"

Autumn day of our life is being tinted gracefully
For our hearts remain warm as ever.
For our friendship will last for ever !

With thanks, I look down at an autumn leaf on my palm,
tinted golden as your friendship.
Take care and be happy ! my friend.

Dedicated for my friend Patricia Morris

Fisherbaby Jiso

Autumn Afternoon

Looking out my window, I see a carpet of gold
and feel the air around me damp and cold.

A season is born with color abound and
the smell of wood smoke lies all around.

A soft autumn rain falls gently to earth
announcing the season about to give birth.

The call of the geese from a clear, blue sky
bidding the summer a final goodbye.

The falling leaves are whispering
that autumn's on it's way

and I close my eyes remembering
the season's of yesterday.
-Ocean Serenity-

This is my favorite poem, I give
my sincere credit to author
-Fisher baby Jiso-

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