The Rider

Crushed gourd in a patch of thorns, rots.

   …it’s the phase of decay.

Camped out at the crevice edge of myself

among fearscape shadows

I pound stone into cold, statuesque forms

while the manifest comforts like a ghost that never cared.

There’s inspiration frozen in an iced-blue coma,

trapped like an animal.

Sun diffuses like concentration.

I think I’ll sleep today.

Nothing to do.

No one to see.

I wait for the garbage truck.

Need pricks like needles

protuding inside out.

Irritates like a single grain of sand 

lodged in the sole of my shoe.

If I pay attention, though,

it can sound like a whisper, calling...

So I round up energy like horses and listen more...

And I become a rider on a power 

that carries me away

from the ancient dream of this drowning self…

© 2000  by David Bozzi


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