A quiz for your enjoyment

1. Jen was raised

A. by wolves
B. Catholic
C. watching Dave Letterman
D. some of the above
                    D...Okay, so I wasn't raised by wolves or bats or a
                    coven of vampires, but we all have our dreams.

2. Jen enjoys

A. twirling in circles and rolling down hills
B. freaking people and squirrels out by looking at them
C. Stormtroopers
D. reading, sleeping during the day, music, vodka, and black velvet
E. going on adventures with her most beautiful girlfriend Becky
F. all of the above

                    F...but some of those options I enjoy more than others;
                    I will leave it to your discretion to guess which I enjoy most.

3. Jen's favorite musical is...

A. Hair
B. Evita
C. Apocalypse Now
D. Carmina Burana

                    A. Hair, but I really love to listen to Carmina
                    Burana in the dark.

4. Jen's favorite movie is

A. Bound
B. Star Wars
C. The Lost Boys
D. Reservoir Dogs
E. Any Steve Buscemi or Gina Gershon movie
F. Anything and everything Tim Burton or Tim Robbins
G. The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love
H. Hudsucker Proxy cuz both Tim Robbins and Steve Buscemi are in it!

                 Too close a call...I love movies and can never settle on a favorite.

5. Jen is from

A. Wisconsin
B. Albania
C. Tir Na Nog
D. Never Never Land
E. Prague

               A, good old Milwaukee Wisconsin. I dream of going to Prague,
               and I have many fairie friends in Tir Na Nog, but I can't
               claim either as home.

6. Jen's favorite TV show is

A. Late Show with David Letterman
B. Ellen
C. any home decorating show
D. Seinfeld

               I couldn't really choose just one.  Although I am really turning
               into a Home & Garden Television Freak....Why just the other
               day I learned how to sandblast!  That's gonna come in handy

7. The music Jen most listens to is

A. The Cure
B. Depeche Mode
C. The Indigo Girls
D. Skankin' Pickle
E. Black Tape for a Blue Girl
F. Melissa Etheridge
G. the Amadeus soundtrack
H. Siouxsie and the Banshees
I. kd lang

                 I love them all almost equally, although Indigo Girls
                 and Depeche Mode probably top my list.

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