Adam Somers - 11/22/99 21:33:45
My URL:http://www.NeoCities.cjb.net
My Email:a_oo6@hotmail.com
How did you find this site?:: Linked form my site
What you think of the shorts and this site:: Cool
Your favorite character in the shorts:: My Character Fred
Any ideas you have for future shorts:: yeah bring back Fred
Sorry i meant to say Fred eheh

Adam Somers - 11/22/99 21:32:06
My URL:http://www.NeoCities.cjb.net
My Email:a_oo6@hotmail.com
How did you find this site?:: Linked form my site
What you think of the shorts and this site:: Cool
Your favorite character in the shorts:: My Character Potato Boy
Any ideas you have for future shorts:: yeah bring back potato boy
Your sites pretty cool timmy, but you need to up date it more thats about it oh and Visit http://www.NeoCities.cjb.net

tim - 11/11/99 16:35:01

Adam Somers - 10/10/99 03:13:03
My URL:http://www.Neocities.cjb.net
My Email:AdamSomers@Neocities.cjb.net
How did you find this site?:: Oh I wonder
What you think of the shorts and this site:: -----
Your favorite character in the shorts:: -----
Any ideas you have for future shorts:: -----
Hey tim well sorry i havent talk to ya in awhile but your site still pretty much sucks hehe Whens the last time you were at mine? I just got done a major update last week check it out! well i gtg ya know why hehe or maybe you don't.....

Joel - 09/07/99 02:42:39
My Email:Mechmonkey@hotmail.com
How did you find this site?:: Sweet
What you think of the shorts and this site:: Sweeter
Your favorite character in the shorts:: Porage george
Any ideas you have for future shorts:: Call Joel
Your site kicks ass Tim!!U did a good job!But u need Joels help to make it even better!Call me so I can do another porage george!!oH AND IF U SEE A basketball its not mine!

Ariela - 08/26/99 21:53:43
My Email:ariela@chickmail.com
How did you find this site?:: from U
What you think of the shorts and this site:: very cool
Your favorite character in the shorts:: Fred
Any ideas you have for future shorts:: FiFi the cat and FoFo the dog:)

Tim - 08/24/99 23:27:55

- 08/02/99 18:48:13

bhuquenoii - 07/20/99 10:17:29
My Email:bhuquenoii@catsrule.garfield.com
How did you find this site?:: surfin' nowhere
What you think of the shorts and this site:: cccccccooooollllll

Stephen Boursy - 05/22/99 20:48:45
My URL:http://www.churchstate.net
My Email:boursy@churchstate.net
How did you find this site?:: Big Weenie Award
What you think of the shorts and this site:: Very good
Your favorite character in the shorts:: Ball with legs
Any ideas you have for future shorts:: Religious shorts
Very enjoyable--let me know if you do any religious stuff.

the TIM - 05/16/99 19:36:10
My Email:l8l@hotmail.com
Well, Gina, I had to reply to that some how, and you didn't leave any e-mail. I have never sent any "spam" to any body i havn't talked to before, maybe it was some sort of e-mail mess up, esp. if you have a hotmail. And about awards, I have signed up for dozen of awards, but they don't reply (axcept big weenie), and really I don't feel nice about asking people for awards, then I don't know if they are giving to me because of the site, or just that I asked. Is there anything "tacky" here? Well, I can see ow anybody would be jealous of this site, it's not your falt my site and shorts are so well made, and well your site...I don't like to make fun of other peoples sites. I am very proud of this site, I just made it this year, and alredy sence march 11 i am p in 300 people...now about 10 a day (other than me).If you have any pacific problems with my site, please say, so I am improve it even more. Thankyou very much, Tim P.S. Fonts? what wrong with my fonts? I have always used easy ones like corrier new, and comic with no bold, if you have any better fonts tell me.

gina - 05/16/99 13:50:07
My URL:http://blueberry-swirl.org/gina
How did you find this site?:: spam
Any ideas you have for future shorts:: better fonts
i dont appreciate the spam email. you should win awards by signing up for them, not by a giveaway. that was really tacky.

Jennifer "Jenx" Koomen - 05/09/99 22:36:43
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/nolabel/jenx15/
My Email:Jenx15@hotmail.com
How did you find this site?:: You told me
What you think of the shorts and this site:: ?!?!
Your favorite character in the shorts:: ?!?!
Any ideas you have for future shorts:: ?!?!
I get confused easily.. anyways.. nice page.

Darren Hartley - 05/07/99 18:53:07
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/pipeline/curb/4155
My Email:daphcom99@hotmail.com
How did you find this site?:: You told me about it on icq
What you think of the shorts and this site:: Quite Cool
Your favorite character in the shorts:: Saddam Hussain
Any ideas you have for future shorts:: Not at the moment.
Cool page tim. Really loved the politically correct saddam hussain short. Promised you I would sign your guest book didn't I. Well, it's worthy enough to get a link on my web site. Don't know what I'm going to write about the site just yet but I'm sure I'll figure something out. P.S. Don't forget to check out the jokes on my web site Cheers, Daphcom - 31727924

STEVEN DAVIDSON - 04/18/99 14:51:10
My Email:aa686
How did you find this site?:: you're my brother
What you think of the shorts and this site:: i like them
Your favorite character in the shorts:: fred and marck
Any ideas you have for future shorts:: no
84 peple have seen your site

Sudam - 04/13/99 02:00:58
My URL:http://www.sudam.com
Ha! Ha! I like a good joke but watch yourself. You are now being monitored by my people.

Mandy - 03/19/99 20:10:11
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/4670
My Email:blueeyes@compusmart.ab.ca
How did you find this site?:: hehe I have my ways:))
What you think of the shorts and this site:: Great site!!!!!!!
Your site is wonderfully and professionally done. Good job:))) *hug* Mandy:o)

Bryn - 03/19/99 19:57:17
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Port/5312/
How did you find this site?:: You gave the address to me.
What you think of the shorts and this site:: Great, but the text is a little fast.
Your favorite character in the shorts:: The ball with legs.
Nice sight!

Doctor Smith - 03/19/99 19:52:06
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Hollywood/Palace/1908
My Email:webmaster@lostinspace.zzn.com
How did you find this site?:: You gave the URL to me
What you think of the shorts and this site:: Great!
Like your page, Tim. Hope you keep up the good work! Doc

Jamie Rubbi-Clarke - 03/14/99 18:50:55
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Paris/Chateau/5113/
My Email:jc8856@bristol.ac.uk
How did you find this site?:: you told me!
What you think of the shorts and this site:: pretty good
Your favorite character in the shorts:: fred

Bryan Gase - 03/14/99 18:06:46
My Email:bryang6690@hotmail.com
How did you find this site?:: tim told me
What you think of the shorts and this site:: coool
hey there man...you told em to check out your site and it is pretty cool...good job

Tim Davidson - 03/13/99 23:18:29
My Email:l8l@hotmail.com
I hope you like my creations. I'm not even sure if anybody else is seeing this other than my friends. I won't try to edit these pages again...they didn't work after I did that last time. Thanks, Tim

Tim Davidson - 03/13/99 23:18:15
My Email:l8l@hotmail.com
I hope you like my creations. I'm not even sure if anybody else is seeing this other than my friends. I won't try to edit these pages again...they didn't work after I did that last time. Thanks, Tim

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