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It's a goddamn hailstorm of new ramblings from the master of bullshit. This round I'm taking on religion, whooping ass on the poor innocent bastard children, and harassing the eldering.

If you can give me a good fucken reason to shut the hell up, I just might, but being that my site is so damn popular, I doubt it's gonna happen. Follow the shit below, you ungrateful little demons! If I don't piss someone off enough in this round, you'll see hell bust loose soon.

Oh, and yes, I do support the harassment of others online via AOL. If you are on AOL you deserve to be harassed, so accept it.

So jump on the shitter and have yourself a ride through the mistic mother fucken house of bullshit. Remember, there ain't no shit like crusted OUTHOUSE shit!

Take a Ride on the (bull)shitter!