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Well as you can see I really like my Jazz and I hope that with this page I can share this with you is also nice links to Jazz sites that can tell you more about the artist and life time works

Billie Holliday

One of the old Jazz singers....rather a sad storie in her life...and she surely knew how to use her voice...If you would like to know more about her just go to the link

Charlie "Bird" Parker

If you like Cool Jazz then you will know Charlie "Bird" Parker..

John Coltrane

Miles Davis


Well i couldn't find anything about Weather Report but still this is rather interesting...but if you are familiar with fusion then you would deffenatly know Jaco Pastorius who was performing as bassest in Weather Report..

Chick Corea...if you like the latin in your jazz...hehehe

Keith Jarrett

Here is a few nice photo's that you might like