High Concepts.
Great ideas whose times have not arrived.


THE HIGH CONCEPT: "Big Brother" meets "Campaign 2000"

You're not going to take this one seriously, but I want you to suspend disbelief, sit back, and think about it before you discard it.

As I write, it is the summer of reality TV. "Cops", the granddaddy of them all, is still going strong; "Big Brother", though not going through the roof, is on the air six nights a week; and "Survivor" is apparently a phenomenon of unprecedented proportions. Reality is what people want to see.

We're also in the middle of a Presidential campaign. In fact, as I set quill to parchment, the Republican convention is in full swing in Philadelphia, and one of the complaints people have about it is that it lacks a certain spontaneity. The pundits claim that, since Bush was selected by primary so long ago, there are no real surprises to be had, and the entire convention is a prepackaged propaganda opportunity.

Okay. Let's take them at their word. Let's assume that there is no conceivable way that the current system of campaigning and conventioneering can give voters a real look at what the candidates are like. Let's also assume that people eat up reality TV, no matter what. Now let's combine the two ideas. How do we do this? Simple: take Bush, Gore, Nader, and Buchanan and shut them up in a house together under 24/7 surveillance.

"A gimmick!" you shriek. Not at all. Let's look at the benefits. First of all, we get the guys away from their handlers. Sure, they can spend a few minutes with them in the Red Room each day, but, aside from that, they're going to be on their own. They may, for a while, follow the careful script that would have been prepared before going into the house--saying nothing that wasn't extensively tested with focus groups first. As time wears on, though, the control will break down, just as it has with the residents of the "Big Brother" house. The real Bush will come through loud and clear. Buchanan's true persona will be revealed. Arguments will undoubtedly begin, and we'll finally get a chance to hear what the candidates really think--not in a debate, but in a good, old-fashioned bull session.

We'll get a look at their teamwork. They can be set challenges, such as balancing a budget. The viewers will truly see how they work with others and what their true priorities are.

No, this is no gimmick--this is a for-real suggestion. I can think of no better way to choose the next president.

Email me with your reactions and refinements to this High Concept.


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this page last updated on 5 August 2000

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