This is the best friend page
Best Friends come in all shapes and sizes ! They can be human or of the more hairy variety , But without them life would be so much less enjoyable .

We do not choose our best friends - I believe life gravitates you together . We may have more than one best friend - for love and friendship are immeasureable commodities ( you can not run out of love or not have enough love , it is something that is as big as you allow it to be ). Nor can your friendships have a price or value put to them ... it is the most priceless gift a person can give you - TRUE FRIENDSHIP .

Those of us who know how to be a friend , will gather many friends along the path of life ... These are the people who will allow you to grow and love you for it ... These are the people who will be there for you in your highest moments and there steadfast in your lowest moments ... They will not put expectations  on you or pressure you , they will not expect to be 'repaid' for their kindness nor will they let you down in your time of need ... Those of us who are lucky enough to find one TRUE FRIEND are truely blessed.

I feel though I must point out that there are people in life who really are not aware of anyone else other than themselves, these people do not make good friends- unfortunately as we get older we may find our selves holding on to an old friendship, that we hold dear and true, but when you sit back and have a good look at the dynamics of what is occuring, we find that it is easy to hold on to thing of the past but somehow in the present the friendship has lost its gleam... Now this is a difficult thing to express, But sometimes we need to admit when a friendship is no longer really a two sided thing. There comes a time in your life when, what you did in school together can not make up or hold together a friendship which isn't true...

Then for your own sake and the sake of your real friends, You must let go...Put you energy into the relationships which count and make you happy

I wish to pay tribute to my best friends , I am lucky to have a few !!! .... I have my partener who has seen me through thick and thin ... and somehow still loves me ! I have my best friend from childhood , who has always been there for me , allowed me to grow and change and never let me down , even when she's 150000 km away !! And I have my 'Jules' who has helped more than she can fathom , giving immeasurable support and love .

These people and my parents are the people who help to shape me , to support  me , love me without queastion , and give you the strength to feel that anything  is possible .... Words can never express how much these people mean to me ... just typing this makes me feel like crying ! ( Bit soppy I suppose ) But if I can't embarass myself for my friends who can I embarass myself for ! I guess I just want to say to them ...

Thankyou for being you xxxxxxxxxx