<BGSOUND SRC="today.mid">
First of all .... you will need to be free from interruption , darken the room of artifical light  , unplug the phone  , lock the door , wait till the children are asleep  .... even unplug appliances that produce white noise ie. airconditioners etc . OR alternatively find a quiet place in your garden .

Prior to using the herbs you will need to Enchant them  this may start as you pick your herb for a specific  spell  , stress to yourself and the herb what it is you require ....

            I gather you , rosemary , herb of the sun , t0  ALIGN=RIGHT>
          increase  my mental powers and concentration .

This begins the enchantment  , Now you will need a bowl made from natural materials   , two candle holders  ( preferably ones you have made yourself )  and candles of various colours (to attune the colour to the herb colour  or Bees wax  (it is better if they are unscented ) . Light  the candles  , still your mind ,  concentrate on  breathing  in through  the nose  deeply from your stomache  (your shoulders should not move ) and  exhale from your mouth .

Once you are relaxed  , pour the required amount of dried herb into the bowl  , calmly gaze into the herb , feel its vibrations  emerging from the stems , flowers and leaves  . Place your power hand  (the hand you write with  , your dominent hand )  in the herb , touch it , feel it  , Leave  it motionless for a moment and strongly visualize your need .

Run your fingers through the herb , still strongly visualizing your need  , feel your energy leaving your finger tips and infusing the herb with your desire . You may like  to chant endlessly under your breath  a simple enchantment like ...
                 Yarrow , Yarrow  , make love grow                                        
When the plant is tingling with power you have achieved enchantment. If there are other herbs to add , do it one at a  time   re-enchanting the mixture each time .

If making incense , infusions , sachets or poppets then grind the herbs before enchantment .

If using roots or branches  either lay ontop the bowl or hold in your power hand .

This process will attune the herbs vibrations to your own .
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