The Fire Spell
Write your wish on a Fig leaf or if this to difficult use a triangular peiece of paper.While visualizing your need place the appropriate enchanted herbs in the centre of the leaf and twist it tightly so that the herbs are trapped inside . You may like to annoint with an essential oil.

Build a roaring fire either in an inside fire place or in a circle of stones outside  (be careful to contain the fire ).
Throw the Fig leaf package on the fire . As it touches the flames and becomes engulfed Strongly visualize your need . Calm you breathing and watch , still visualizing until the package has been consumed . You wish has been heard by the flames .

If you have access to a Fig tree you may like to pick and press the fig leaves in season and rub gently through the drying process with Extra virgin olive oil  ( the first pressing from the olives ) this will keep them supple and they will be ready for Enchantment when needed , esp. as fire spells are a lovely winter spell when Figs are out of season!!!
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