Ninx's Links
(Rhyme not intentional)
Well, finally I've gotten off my lazy butt and starting putting up links. Now Jarita won't kill me! *g* Anyhoo, as with most links pages, it's going to be stuff that's in my own personal bookmarkies, and will have a tendency to change. I like to annotate my links, though, and therefore this page my change a bit over time. I hope you don't mind. *g*

Besides the Names page in the Anime section, this will probably be my most well organized page, mostly because I hate when people just throw links on a sheet and say, there, that's done. *grrr* Drives me insane-o.  Of course, since I use an editor now, and the editor refuses to let me do some of the things I want...*grr*  I will get it to match the picture in my of these days.

My Own Pages
Friend's Pages

(There will be more at a future date; my bm's aren't this short.  I just am short on time, that's all.)
Just some banners, 'cause this is how some people like to be linked.
This place is responsible for most of the Sailor Moon pictures I put up.

Resa's (or Jaro's) banner.  Same artist as mine.

And the artist himself.  We call him Ryo-kun, and he's beyond words.


 Well, that's that.  More when I find the banners people like to put up. *g*

My Pages
 Just in case it was all too relavent, and you just HAD to know, I have exactly five of them.  Guess how many I work on?  Good guess--this one, and the FT one.  I haven't updated NINX in awhile, nor LADY A...but it would be good to put them down, no?  So, without further ado...
This was my first WBS homepage. I should move it, but I don't. BTW, WBS is a great place to chat, though in my case both rooms got too organized and too full of it for me to go anymore.
  Lady Ariae
Pretty much all the info on the LA C you could ever want, including the alterations made my my time in the X-Mansion.
  My Long Stories
These are fun; "Freezing Time" and the "UNKNOWNS". I haven't worked too much on either, because I'm doing re-writes of both, but I will post (eventually.) Give me time!

My Friends
 I have tons of them! Well, not really...*g*  However, the ones I do have are pretty nifty in the fact that they have a great web presence.  The ones here are, so far, people I have met in person, and should anyone on the 'Net ever succumb to my charms, I'll put you up here,too.  *g*

This is una mejor amiga de mi, and not only do I love her dearly , but I also need to repay her for the advertising she has given me. Her page contains more writing--hers, mine, Ryo-kun's and Rajo's--as well as awesome art (HI NOREEN!)and poetry. She has better links than I do; if you dare, check out the school we both attend.
Ever attempt to put your best friend into words? Hard, no? Same here. Love 'em, love his work. His page features his posted stories, including "Guardians" and "War of the Wurm"; it also has bits of his art, his pictures, a section on cars, and links galore. He was the creator of Jarita's y yo's banners; his story writing is of such a "universe" scope to rival Tolkien, McKiernan, and Jordan. For fun, check the music; I like!

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