Dr. Coffee Slut's Poetry Corner

My Selected Works

"The Little Girl"

The little girl is 
And confused.
She cannot find her way
Back to reality.
She wanders
And gazes
At the stars
And the moon and the sun,
All the while wondering.

The little girl ends
Her wander at the pier;
Where she looks out upon 
A crystal blue sea,
Where the waves spit at her,
So she spits back.
A lone tear meanders
Down her face,
A river cutting new land.
And she jumps.
Her body breaks the tension
Of the surface
As she goes under
And never comes back up.
"Alive while Dead"

I walk along side of footsteps
On a beach
I've walked many times before
In a dream
I've dreamt while dying
Sleepless and thought provoking
I toss and turn
And dream
Of what is, was, will be

When I am awake
I lie asleep
And think about my dreams
What they mean
What they don't mean
Who I am
Lost with a map
Alone with others
Alive while dead

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