Warlocks Den

Greetings all! I know this is small,but I cut it up into chunks for those of us with slow response time. As per the usual,I will be working on this page regularly,so expect some changes. I will be also adding Java©,but i will keep in mind the caffine deficient.Well I will assume you did'nt find your way here by surfing,but if you did here's a little aboutme.Also,there is a little about each of the friends I have made on the net here.

Want to voice your opinion but don't have anyplace to do it? Well quit yer whinin, because you can post onTHE WALL! Just send mailHEREAnd I'll post it....Maybe.hehehehhehhehehehehe!!!


Pics Music Chat Computers Characters Rpg's

Here's a couple little things I have come up with for Shadowrun©.
Ok you need stuuf to make your computing life more fun and easier right? Well here it is.
Looking for something? Just look here.

Any comments or sugggestions will be apprciated.Snide remarks will be ignored.

No E-mail? No problem,contactHotmail,to set up an account today!

Remaksposted whenever.

All rights reserved to all material used on this page that is copyrighted or otherwise protected.If ya don't like that,take your hairy ass home and cry to mommy because I don't wanna hear it.

Why are you reading this horribly small text?There is absolutly nothing of any impotance here....