FluidWind Origional Music
F l u i d W i n d   O r i g i n a l   M u s i c

"I always had trouble singing along with songs, because I would forget the words or sing out of tune or both. So, long ago, I started just making up songs and singing or whistling them to myself. Recently, I started writing the song lyrics down and soon I pray to proform them as actual musical pieces which will be featured in a future FluidWind television series. Not everyone can keep a tune to songs. Not everyone can write songs. I can write the lyrics, but not the sheet music. People have different tallents, but we all have a love for music and, in heaven, we will be able to sing our songs before the throne of God, and make the music we always wanted to, to praise Him. We will not only make a joyful noise, but sing unto Him a new song..."
-- Mark Lorensen
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All songs written and composed by Mark Lorensen, ©1998-1999.